It was windy and cold yesterday along Bayshore but it was definitely worth the short drive to run there. It brought me back to last year’s Gasparilla Marathon and helped me mentally prepare for this year’s. I see more Bayshore runs in my future.
Last night I had a great time with a special someone. While I don’t like to divulge this kind of stuff (call me supersticious) I did get some very cute Vicky’s Secret pajamas and yummy lotions. In addition, I maui laui-ed on some Mexican food and played some craptastic Mario Kart on the Wii following a good old fashioned game of putt putt. I pretty much sucked it up at that too. I am going to get better at the Wii, I just need more practice! I was told I was going to get a KUI, that’s Karting Under the Influence, because of my crazy driving.
Tonight is one side of my family’s Christmas party. I made the most adorable Christmas cookies and can’t wait to see my cousins and grandparents. I have some good miles to get in this week so I’ll try to behave myself with the food. Then again, don’t I get the food since I am adding mileage?
Oh, one more thing. My computer got a virus. It sucks. I am using my roomie’s computer right now but if I go silent for a day or so, it’s because my PC got it’s very own version of the H1N1.
Happy Sunday kiddos.
who did you go out with last night?
People want to know.
– Anonymous.
It wasn't me.
Malwarebytes. It works really well!!
Oooo someone special! *as said in a very high pitched girly vocie* 🙂
Hope you're having an awesome Christmas season so far 🙂
great run B.o.B. – gearing up for the next big one!!
OMG are you finally owning up to your "special someone"?!?!? Woo hoo! 😉
I'm so bummed I missed the Bayshore run, I will be there next time! Tell P-Funk thanks for picking up the slack.
Love you Boo!
Happy Sunday! Great job on the 14!
Congrats on your 14! Hope your computer recovers well from H1N1. Give it some Tamiflu! Enjoy your holidays who that "special someone"
Ooooooooh I love "special someones"!
Look at porn – get a virus. It's pretty much that simple. Bad B.O.B!
that spike is a busy man… 😉
hope you don't catch the flu too!
Good to hear that a special someone is being sweet to you!
P-Funk got your message, 'Morgan'. It's always a pleasure running with B.o.B.!! Sorry you missed out on the convo's (conversations). Comedy on a long run is the best training GU ever!!
And B.o.B., you know I recorded that last 0.85 (every bit counts!)
Glad you had a great weekend!