When Hampton first showed his ugly head, I wasn’t uber concerned about it because I didn’t have any major running events coming up. I was coming off of a lot of intense running (SEE: probably why I got injured) and I figured two weeks off would be good for my body in general. Sadly, the relay this weekend proved this isn’t the case.
I went to PT yesterday and she wasn’t overly concerned about my lawlessness. I ran when they said don’t run. It happens and the reward was greater than the risk for the relay. I did some of my strengthening stretches and exercises and she did ultrasound and massage followed by ice. For the remainder of the day Hampton was present. He wasn’t around in a terrible way but enough to know the bastard was still operational. Dammit.
On the plus side, the lovely race director at my April 14th sprint tri let me transfer that entry to another sprint tri in July that I have done two years in a row now, Top Gun Triathlon. I had to pay a $25 transfer fee but it was absolutely worth it. And instead of racing I’ll be out volunterring and helping Strawberry E with her very first tri! Woot!
This way the only thing I have on deck at this point is that April 29th race. It’s a concern but there isn’t much I can about it. I’ll continue on with all of the cycling and swimming I’ve been doing. Hopefully in another two to three weeks I’ll be back to running. Fingers crossed that Hampton packs up his crap soon!
And now since I’m done boo-hoo-ing, the winner of the Champion Sports Bra, chosen by randomizer.org, is:
(Send me your email info Traci and I’ll set you up with Champion to get your bra!)
Hamstring injuries are no fun. Hope it starts behaving soon!
Hoping Hammy leaves soon! Congrats Traci!
Get some RICE for that hammy girl! It's triathlon time!
Seriously you make me crack up every time! I hope Hampton realize that he has worn out his welcome very soon!
Hope you are able to shake off Hampton soon, very soon!
Err Hampton sucks! At least you still get to continue to enjoy Dolly.
Now that you've given him a name, he will stick around for a while! Most of Hampton's friend and relatives like to stay as long as possible and you may need to get uber professional help to evict!
Boo Hampton boo
I'm fancy! Thanks!!!!!
Injuries suck! Boo Hampton.
I would have definitely cheated and run that relay too — glad you didn't get too much grief!
Just become a triathlon lunatic and scrap the whole running thing. We run less and no issues with Hamptons or Old Wonkies……
Put Dolly in over drive…..
i heard Art wants to kick Hampton's ass big time!
This reminds me of Tommy Boy…
"Went a little heavy on the pine tree aftershave there kid?"
"Sir it's a taxi cab airfreshener"
"Good, you've pinpointed it. Step two is washing it out."
Now that you've pinpointed Hampton, hopefully you can "wash" him out quickly! (I don't know where that correlation came from….but it did haha)
Swim and bike your a$$ off!