Today is Festivus, the holiday to air your grievances and perform feats of strength! It’s basically the opposite Christmas and always a good time due to the wrestling the head of the household (a Festivus tradition, natch).
Thus today I’d like to air some grievances to the general public:
1. Please stop taking photos of yourself in your bathroom to post on various social media websites. It’s creepy.
2. And quit making a duck face in those self portraits.
3. Runners please say hi to each other!
4. Cyclists, it’s cool, I know you won’t say hi cause you don’t want to fall. (I feel ya.) But can I get a head nod at least?
5. For the love of Festivus people, if you are in the 10 items or less aisle PLEASE have only 10 items or less.
6. Hey you in the far right lane tailgating, move it to the left speedy!
7. Servers and bartenders are people too, treat them with a little more respect. They handle the food and drinks you are about to consume, just a warning.
8. Dogs of the world – could you try picking up your own poop for once?!?!
9. Cats of the world – yeah, you don’t care what I say. Carry on.
10. Stop yelling on your cellphones. This new age technology ensures the person on the other end can hear you at a regular speaking decibel.
Go forth and air those grievances for tomorrow and Tuesday it’s all about love.
Unfortunately Lady J just had shoulder surgery so I will not be wrestling the head of the house. My loss…
Happy Festivus!
You crack me up as always. LOL at 4 & 5! YES – at least give me the head nod if you can't take your hand off the handlebar for fear of crashing.
OMG that is great.
Bikers let's do more than a head nod. Just lift your fingers a tad while keeping your hand on the bars…..it ain't hard.
Question about the 10 items. If I pick up a bunch of bananas and there are 5 there is that 5 items or just 1? I mean the woman/man only needs to punch in one code and weight it right so it's one item…..so would you be pissed if I brought up 50 lbs of bananas? Things that make me go hmmmm
Back to our regularly scheduled program:
Stop making excuses people and get out and live and while your at it stop trying to defend said excuses. You didn't want to do so you didn't that is all that needs to be said. Move on.
Pick up after yourself. The world is not your garbage can. Pick that wrapper up and walk it to the garbage can over there you lazy *#(*$(
OMG I can go on and on but I'll stop now before my head explodes.
Bahahahahahahaha love all these!
I need a Human Fund shirt to wear as a fake sponsor for my races.
Just hacked into my owner's PC and why should I pick up my poop, that's what he's for…… ruff,ruff…..(dog talk for happy festivus)
Jason's right. Splayed fingers while holding on the bars will do. I have too many grievances to list.
Drivers: Embrace the left turn green arrow. Don't waste 10 of the 15 seconds trying to decide if it really is your turn to go…and then be the only car that gets through. Please.
Merry Christmas.
Love! happy Festivus
My dog tries to eat his own poop. I'd rather have to pick it up than have him "clean it up." Dogs are so gross.
Love it! I second jason's grievance. Please, stop it with the excuses already, people. Happy festivus!
Love this! LOL at the pictures in the mirror with a duck face…my friend and I were just talking about how annoying that is!
Ok I have noticed there is a difference between bikers and runners.. hmmm
Happppy festivus!! ah what a great holiday.
I would like people to stop talking on their cell phones in the bathroom..EWWW
The best show of all time!
Merry Christmas to you.
Most excellent list! Can we add the types that take pictures from above ? You know who i'm referring to, right? Ok, tomorrow we wave at every runner and biker we see and if they don't reciprocate, we beat them into submission until they acknowledge us properly! Happy festivus ; )
What a Great post!! I do have one to add for which I believe you will understand. Can people stop warming up their milkshakes it defeats the purpose of the milkshake. Just drink it cold and then go take a picture of your abs to share with the rest of the world! La la lalala… Happy Festivus!!
Happy Holidays! http://Www.dashingdiva.net
I hope you had help putting up your Festivus pole.
Wishing you a healthy and happy 2012!