I don’t think I have mentioned how much I love Halloween. I love Halloween. No really. I love it more than Christmas, more than chocolate, and maybe even more than beating John Steelbuns in a 5K in November.*
This post is going to be off the subject of running for the most part. But being the running blog this is, I’ll try to throw some in for good measure.**
Back to Halloween. This will more than likely be one of the many posts on Halloween to come during my blogging life. Get used to them.
I have decided to bless you all with The Top Ten Halloween Movies Of All Time. Yes, they are MY Top Ten, but let’s be honest here people. I have amazing taste. (This was super hard to narrow down. Give it a go yourself if you don’t believe me.) It’s LIST TIME! Away we go…
10. Shaun of the Dead. While this movie is more funny than scary, it features Simon Peg, whom we all love. It also seems more realistic about how a zombie invasion would go down in my world. Zombies? Head to the pub!
9. Scary Movie. Also a comedy, but it’s so freaking funny. Actually the sequel and subsequent movies are funny as hell too. And I think we can all be thankful for Anna Faris entering our lives.
8. 28 Days Later. This movie was so different and scary as shite. I actually think that the military dudes freaked me out more than the virus.
7. The Ring. Holy heebie-jeebies! That crazy beech is in need of a serious hot oil treatment on her quaf.
6. Nightmare on Elm Street. Um, well hello Johnny Depp. Oh, this is a scary movie? All I see is Johnny Depp. Ok fine, Freddy is pretty freaky. And the idea of going to sleep and getting killed in your dreams just really blew my mind when I was 10.
5. Halloween. The score for this movie is an all time classic. You hear that crap in a dark alley or home by yourself you better get your run on! (Good thing you’ve been doing your speed work.)*** Also, how is it that Jamie Lee Curtis looks so awesome in what can only be described as mom jeans?
4. Poltergeist. Attacking trees (Nitmos was on to something here!). Attacking clown toys. Attacking pool. It’s the suburbs all right.
3. The Excorcist. Do I really need to explain this one??? HER HEAD SPINS AROUND FOR PETE’S SAKE!
2. The Descent. So, I am a pretty claustraphobic and I was sweaty from the moment they entered that damn cave. Who in their right mind would take up this hobby? Plus, those bat-people things are just gnarly. Although, I do like that the women in the film are so kick ass!
1. The Shining. Supremely scary. The hallway twins, the lady in the bath tub, and Jack Nicholson’s version of a psycho make for a movie that scares me so much yet I watch it every year. It’s just the creepiness of that old hotel and that Danny kid freaking out. Not too mention that Shelley Duvall’s acting is phenomenal. Red Rum! Red Rum! Red Rum! Gets me every time. (If you like to read, pick up the book – it’s EVEN scarier!)

Honorable mentions must go to:
Evil Dead “Hail to the king baby.”Scream “Do you like scary movies?”Pet Sematary “First I play with Judd, then Mommy came, and I play with Mommy. We play Daddy! We had an awfully good time! Now I want to play with YOU!”Saw “I want to play a game.”Lost Boys “One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach, all the damn vampires.” Jaws “You’re going to need a bigger boat.”
* The gauntlet on that has been thrown. November 6th is the Clash of the Titans!
** As I mentioned before, Running and I are on our way to reconciliation. We spent 4 miles together on Saturday and 4 miles together on Sunday. We took Monday night off but, I am shooting for a date with Running tonight. Of course, it was awkward at first, as these things usually are, but we’re getting comfortable with each other again. Quite unlike that bast@rd Bicycling.
*** See? Running blog!
Great post! I heart halloween too; Eric and I are suckers for the saw movies though, and we can't wait for this year's addition
so i guess now i have to run this 5k? What do i get when i win? I only run races for rewards.
#5, #4, #3, #1 are in my favs also! (Never saw #2) But I've got to add Omen!! The sound of chanting choir people gives me the chills. And the attacking clown in Poltergeist is what got me scared of toy clowns to this day. And nothing beats Michael Myers (the first one), except for Jack Nicholson!! The 70's & 80's horror movies will live on as the best!!
Loved the post!
I adore LOST BOYS ;}
Running thinks you're easy. Hey, Running said it, not me.
dude the first time i saw the shining we were living in boone nc (high in the mountains) buried under a 3' snowfall, they only plowed halfway up the road that we lived on. so we were trapped by snow just like he was and kelley thought it would be a good idea to watch the shining. freaked me out seriously. geez.
So Top Ten Halloween Movies is the same as Top Ten Scary Movies? What about ET? It isn't scary but it is definitely a Halloween movie. I have to stand up for the other movies since I can’t watch scary movies (I scream like a girl, hide behind the couch, and can’t sleep for weeks). I’ve never seen any of those slasher movies even though I literally was a counselor at Camp Crystal Lake.
28 days later STILL gives me reoccuring nightmare's! I was addicted to watching Nightmare on Elm Street and don't even get me started on The Shining! I have read the book numerous times and have actually been to the hotel it was filled in up in Colorado!!! I still have nightmare's about getting lost in mazes… Oh how I love this spooky time of year! YAY FOR HALLOWEEN!!!!
i should share this list with my kids (teens). last year they were looking for good scary movies and I was no help at all.
I'm not a huge fan of scary movies, but my daughter LOVES them. I've heard her talking about most of them on this list. Although, she did think that The Shining was "so lame". I guess there wasn't enough blood and guts.
I'm right there with the Shining! I remeber watching it on the big screen when it was first released (man I'm old). The lead was made just for Nicholson. I think the only thing that h has done that comes close was as the Joker in Batman. Oh – and when he yells at the refs at our beloved Laker's games.
I love Halloween, too, but not scary movies. I seriously have nightmares!
Glad you and running are making up! 🙂
Okay, I've only seen 5 of the top 10. I'll try to watch a few more in your honor before Halloween this year!
I also love Halloween, and I may love it more than you; but more than chocolate. I mean, considering the amount of chocolate you get on Halloween, is that even really fair?
also, "Don't poop Spike" is excellent. As is "Spike, leave my shark alone!" I strongly suggest you don't bring my beloved shark to Chicago!
Im impressed….you must have had a really good older brother or something! (with all due respect) Girls arent usually this knowledgeable.
awww, man. i erased my own comment. ok–here's the nitty gritty: LOVE your post! hilarious! i was also traumatized by nightmare on elm street AND poltergeist which i saw when i was way too young. i am now afraid of all 3.5ft tall portly women ("carrie ann, do not go to the light!").
No wonder you get along with Redhead Running so well… you're both Halloween freaks! LOL… Seriously, true story… I watched the Descent for the 1st time the night before my cousin and I got lost for 4 hours inside an unmarked cave in Washington/Oregon called Ape Cape very near the Timberline Lodge up on Mt. Hood where they filmed The Shinning!
Great Post! But you forgot Children of the Corn….
I'm crazy about Halloween…and lost boys "death by stereo!"
OMG Children of the Corn!!! Good one Bob Hazen!!! I'm petrified of corn fields and yet LOVE running through them in haunted mazes!
Scary movies are my favorite!! The Shining and Children of the Corn are definitely some of my favorites. And The Ring, and Dawn of the Dead..I always drag my husband to every cheesy scary movie that comes out.
1) nice movie choices, sister!
2) agreed on Anna Faris 🙂
3) since the very first Saw came out, Jason and I have spent our halloween going to see that in the theater… and it's nearly that time again!
3) last house on the left (original version) is on my list for this year.
so the question is….what is your favorite halloween costume??
YESSSS! LOVE the scary movies. OMG, I still have nightmares about the Descent. Ha, I saw it in a theatre packed with Brooklynites who would randomly scream things out like, "Whatdaf*ckwuzdat?!!!!" in the middle of the movie . . . and it made it even better. I seriously can't believe there are people who actually do that sh*t. Who KNOWS what is in those creepy-ass caves?!
AH! Scary movies totally freak me out and I am creeped by them for years!! I still can't even mention the ones that made me sleep with the lights on until I got married(jk!).
Hell yah! You and I have similar tastes in horror movies…I LOVED the Descent. I worked on that film at my old job and have a spelunker helmet signed by the director! What do you think of the new Nightmare remake…I like the lead guy, but it doesn't seem as gritty as the original and ofcourse no Depp. Are you into Asian horror movies at all? Try Audition and Three Extremes. Steve's a wimp when it comes to horror movies so I explode at the chance to discuss. Oh and best horror movie this year that i've seen. LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT. Go rent it now!!!
Dude…you totally forgot Candyman. Scarrrrrrrry!
haha…I used to LOVE scary movies. But then I saw Blair Witch…which should be on your list! And it made me MUCH less adventurous and willing to see movies which cause me to shout and kick things in fright.
I love Love L.O.V.E. The Shining!! I love any scary movies that don't involve masks or clowns.