So here I sit on January 2, 2010 and I think about resolutions. I pretty much make the same one every year and I am proud to say that for the most part I keep it. It’s to stay healthy, and with the running it’s kind of hard not to.

But is that really the best I can do with a resolution? Shouldn’t it be something a little more substantial? I think I will have two for the year ahead. One will be another easy, yet beneficial one, and the other I am still working on. I think I need to work on some things on the inside. (And no I don’t mean, cholesterol or whatever.) I just haven’t decided what yet. But something along the lines of not cussing out every car that is going under the speed limit. Which really falls under the stop being so rushed for no real reason.

The easy running themed resolution is to keep a better log of my runs. I basically hit the miles I am supposed to and check them off The Plan. I don’t even think about writing where I was, how I felt, or if I got any faster. Duh right?

In saying that I need you all to help me decide where to store this information. I know some of you use websites, some of you use spreadsheets, other of you use the old pencil and paper method. But, I just can’t decide. Help a sister out will ya?

And for the record, I ran 14 miles this morning on our usual Saturday long run path. I felt tired and must still be suffering from the champagne I had on NYE. (While totally worth it that night, not so much this morning.) I averaged 9:24 miles. (This is how I want my database of running to look. Don’t worry I won’t post this every blog!)

Feedback is most appreciated as you all are a tremendous sounding board.
