I’m not quite sure when I became infatuated with the Tour de France but lately I’ve realized it’s sort of like my Super Bowl. I like football ok, I’ll watch basketball, I could never see baseball again and be ok (sorry ‘Merica!)  but I LOVE the tour. As someone who is still nervous on tight turns and unclips to walk across big, scary intersections, it’s a wonder that I love the tour as much as I do. I can’t get enough of it and I want to watch every stage and learn every single thing I can about it.
For example, last night as the S.O. and I watched the DVR’d stage 4, the team time trial, we noticed the bits of cotton stuck up the riders noses as they warmed up. I had to know immediately what this was. A quick google search and voila! This blog let me know what it was. It’s cotton soaked an inhalant decongestant. Thanks new blog I shall stalk!
I also had to study the history of Corsica because I love geography and history an am a big old nerd. Thanks Wikipedia!
Then today as I was perusing facebook, I saw my that friend Casey “liked” a page called “Bangable Dudes in Pro Cycling.” This cracked me up and I had to learn more about it. I am constantly commenting about which dude on Le Tour is cute. I’m sure that the S.O. enjoys my commentary. Anyway, the facebook page comes from a site created by a woman named Kelly Minx Riordan. Here’s the site.  You’re welcome ladies. And here’s an article she wrote for this year’s tour picks. The innuendo’s alone in this one will make you laugh and she’s made some astute picks. (Which is more than I can say for my fantasy tour team. Womp womp.)

I am also of course, intrigued by this devil guy who is at Le Tour almost every year. He’d certainly make me ride faster if I saw him.
Hello, my name is Didi.
I’m so happy for the long weekend because it means I get to watch the tour even more in depth and hopefully live on the days that I have off work. Happy Fourth of July to me! Do you watch Le Tour? What’s your favorite part?
Have a great Fourth of July everyone. Stay safe and as the French say, “bonne chance” if you are racing!