If any of you have ever watched Chappelle’s Show then you know all about Charlie Murphy, Eddie Murphy’s brother. You also know that Charlie and Eddie used to hang out with Rick James in the l980’s. (You can watch some of the video here, just in case you live under a rock.)
I basically liken myself to Rick James while I am riding the bicycle. The entire time I am on it I am thinking:
F@ck yo’ bicycle Charlie Murphy!
Seriously. I just can’t get comfortable. While I am getting more comfortable turning and going faster, my booty and lady parts are not. My “under-carriage” just can’t get comfortable. Guess I just need to get this ankle healed as soon as possible so people will stop looking at me like I am crazy as I ride by them talking like Rick James.
What did the five fingers say to the face? SLAP!
I did get to run a nice 4 miler on Saturday while the Redhead and the rest of the BRA did their long runs. No ankle issues, thankfully. However, I got an awesome case of the PC’s (poopie cramps) and it’s because I fell off of the nutrition bus last week. Like, fell off so far I got tire marks down my back.
Cookies in the break room? Sure, I’ll have some! Chocolate cake for a co-worker’s birthday? Sign me up! Taco bell for lunch? Why yes, that sounds like a great idea!
The milk’s gone bad!
Ugh. My stomach is not happy. Must get back on track for the two weeks before I go on Eat Fest 2009 in Chicago.
They should have never given ya’ll n’s money!
I am seriously so excited for the two week countdown to Chi-town. It’s going to be difficult concentrating during this next two weeks. I hope you all had great weekends and great races! I am off to read your reports.
She’s a very kinky girl ….
I understand the unhappy lady parts from bike riding thing – I am now on a Serfas Rx Women's saddle. Maybe look for an appropriate serfas something or other gel saddle for your bike…it would probably make a big difference in comfort.
How females can ride a bike with all their 'parts' and all, has always been an enigma with me!?!
My parts always hurt on the bike too. Eventually they get worn in. Gross but true.
I love that Rick James skit! Keep working hard! You'll get better soon!
Well you could just start punching yourself like I intend to do to train for Ragnar! LMAO!
Now I'm never going to be able to look at that bike the same again…
Great job getting in the 4 yesterday, it's better than nothing at all and as much as you hate hearing that… it's true! So take that!
13 more days! 13 more days!… Actually 10 more days til we actually get there!!!!
it will get better. I changed my saddle this year and they had a cool thing that i had to sit on to make measure my ass. Seriously. I think it's actually more for the 'sit bones' than for the girl parts, but anything that helps right?
girl you are funny….Coooole Bloooooded!
The bicycle and I are not friends for that very reason. The bike seats on the spin bikes are the worst I think. I used to go to spin class at the YMCA with my mom…I could deal with it being 5:30 AM, with the loud-mouth instructor, even with the intense workout, but I could NOT DEAL with that seat. I finally told my mom that if she ever wanted grandkids in the future, that I would not be returning to spin class.
That cracked me up! Maybe you should get a new seat? They also have the bicycle shorts that have padding… I've never tried a pair on, but maybe that would help?? LOL
Have you considered a buttock implant? Hahaha!
🙂 More cushion…
Taco Bell, every day if possible!!! people should never have to ride bikes, so glad the ankle is getting better and you had a positive 4M run. Chicago so soon!
I know what you mean about everyone staring on the bicycle, I always feel like I have a chicken on my head or something!
I swear bicycles just weren't made to be ridden by women. Very painful lol.
I totally know what you mean with the nutrition affecting your running. Whenever I try to run after overdoing with crap food one day my legs feel like they weight 10,000 pounds and I can literally feel my body jiggling everywhere. Ick…
I have the same problem with the bike. I wonder if I can get an epidural before my next ride . . .
Get a woman's specific seat and Pearl Izumi bike shorts. My parts never hurt and these are the two reasons!
I always have cookies and cake, even when I'm training. I'm sooo bad about that!
LMAO! No not the Taco Hell… you didn't! LOL
Me and Rick used to hang out in the eighties. Um yeah, I've seen it all. Trust me…
I had a terrible nutrition week also. Chapelle is the best!
LOL! I love Chappelle.
Sounds like me over the weekends… I eat so healthy during the week, then Friday 5pm hits and BAM! it's an eating frenzy. For some reason, calories don't count on the weekends. 🙁
Hope that ankle keeps healing! Take care.
I was taking weekly spin classes last year and could NEVER get comfortable. It just doesn't seem natural. :S
Awesome job on the 4-miler!!
You've been having a rough time of it lady. I think you need a night out that involves a cocktail or five. Ah ha
I don't know what part I laughed harder at… you've got a great sense of humor. I'm sorry you're having a hard time. But glad you're getting better everyday! Take heart in that my friend
Seriously! When are you going into stand-up comedy? You put this hilarious stuff out regularly. Does it come easy? If so, you need to be onstage! You make me laugh every time I click on your blog. Pure talent! Please keep writing.
Oh, and 11 days till Chicago!!!!!
Man – you must really be into funk. First the Parliament, now Rick James? You are bringing back my college years and the music I despised back then.
But I have now come to my senses. The whole funk movement was such a mix of R&B and R&R. How did I ever miss it when it was huge big?
For all of his fame and glory Rick James really led a pretty tragic life. The rumor was when he died he had a $7,000 a week drug habit. Such a shame.
girl you are all over the place! are you sure you aren't having taper madness too? 🙂 your nutrition for the week sounds like my standard… sigh
That made me think about that Chappell Show where they get retributions and the one guys buys an 18 wheeler full of KOOLS and says "I'm rich B!TCH!!" ha! thanks for a laugh