Hollster ran the Komen Race for a Cure 10K and not only is she a 10K finisher, she’s a cancer survivor! Hollster reminds us that breast cancer can strike anyone we know and more importantly, anyone we love. I’m so glad she’s still here with us. (As Red also pointed out it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, let’s save the ta-tas!)
I am also inspired by my newest running bud K. I thought about calling her Special K but that didn’t sound right, so I’m just going with Cute K for now (she is adorable). Anyway, Cute K ran an awesome marathon on Sunday and I couldn’t be more inspired by her positive and fun attitude. She had a great race as well. (She also made me this perfect good luck bracelet. I loves it!) Well done Cute K!
And finally on my list of inspiration is this little lady right here….
Yup, it’s my Big Sis! I’m so freakin’ proud of Big Sis. She ran her first half marathon and had a blast. (We ran the Disney full together and that experience was a bit different due to our less than stellar training, but I digress.) She and my B.I.L. (bro in law) ran the Epcot Food and Wine Half Marathon. Since it runs in the family (terrible pun intended), they kicked some booty. I’m so completely inspired how these two look out for each other and really have fun as a couple. If you can’t see it, her shirt says “I thought they said “RUM.” I know, totally awesome. I am fairly certain that these two have been bitten by the bug and will be back out again soon. And by the way, there may be a friendly competition building between me and the B.I.L. now I just gotta find my next half…hmmm…..Congrats to all of you and any other racers out there. By just racing and having fun and pressing on, you all inspire us to keep running. Happy Tuesday.
cute bracelet
i love feeling like i had something to do with getting friends/family running, or just sharing in their own running adventures! way to go b.o.b sis!
I'm a sucker for inspiration! Congrats to all your peeps!
Inspiration can come from the most surprising places sometimes. Congrats to your sister and BIL – I love her shirt. Any idea where she got it?
How cool that you surround yourself with so many great individuals!
I thought they said Rum! Ha ha! I want one! You inspire people every day, just so you know!
It's nice to be surrounded with great people and have been inspired by them. 🙂