I cannot believe tomorrow is already Thanksgiving. I’ll happily run the HUGE local Turkey Trot and hopefully I can squeak in with the top 125 ladies to get an “award mug.” I’m not quite sure what my legs are going to feel like doing so I’m just gonna run my face off and hope for the best. As far as the going out too fast rule, I sorta feel like the 5K requires it. The last half mile is supposed to be a puking sufferfest. Gotta make room for the extra stuffing somehow.
Here’s the thing about me and Thanksgiving, I like turkey just as much as the next guy and I love can tolerate a whole day with my family but for the love of God can we stop calling it Turkey Day? It makes me cringe for some reason. It’s called Thanksgiving. I don’t hear people calling Halloween “Happy Razor Blades in Apples Day.” And no one says “Happy Drunk on Irish Whiskey Day!” So maybe we can stick to the holiday’s rightful name, mkay?
Even Obama is not impressed with the use of “Turkey Day” |
If you really think about it, there are probably thousands and thousands of sad turkeys everywhere who hear that “Turkey Day” is coming and expect a full on parade. Or a medal. Or even the keys to the city! But what do they get on their national holiday – that’s right….
They get some guy chasing them around a farm with an ax. Poor little delicious turkeys don’t even know it’s coming. In addition to a terrible joke being played on turkeys everywhere, the term “Turkey Day” just makes me think of some ladies on NPR discussing their favorite holiday.
So as you all prepare that lovely bird and gather up your friends and family, please remember that it’s Thanksgiving.** And it’s a time to be thankful for celebrating holidays by their God given politician given George Washington given who the hell names holidays anyway, name.*
*If you were offended in any way shape or form by this post…Happy Turkey Day to you!
**And if you aren’t pissed off, come back tomorrow for the Mother of all Thankful Thursdays!
You could never offend me, but that's me, so I'm probably not the best benchmark.
Happy Thankful I'm Not A Turkey Day!! 🙂
Happy eat the crap out of some turkey day!!
Let's take the 'Happy' out while we're at it! I'm going to call it Thursday………. Eat til U puke!
Well, allrighty then. No turkey day for you!
Thank you for finding a humorous way to remind everyone what the day is truly about. Happy Tur…er…I mean…Happy Thanksgiving Day! 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the turkey …..errrmmm turkey run that is 🙂
You are hilarious, mkay? Nice post, as usual. I love when life slows down and I get time for blog catchup reading. Hope you have a great run tomorrow and a fabulous Thanksgiving (not turkey) Day!
Yay, good luck tomorrow and steal me a mug when you finish top 25! We know I won't finish within any top! I will be there so I hope to see you kicking butt!
Uh oh, are u part of the Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays crowd too?
Happy Turkey Day!
So offended. See you at the Turkey Trot maybe! We're doing the fun run as a family 🙂
You are too much. It is called Thanksgiving and who said it had to be turkey? Can't we have gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches and Nutella and banana crepes for desert. I would be thankful for that. Happy Thanksgiving! See you tomorrow at the TT.
I love Drunk Irish March day! Have a good holiday. Does it even feel like winter in Florida?
Remember – you need to get drunk tonight if you want a hungover PR. My 5K PR is still that Fishhawk run. I'm going to work on my 10K tomorrow. Hopefully I'll feel beter than 60/40.
Its Sanksgivin not Thanksgiving – said in a Hermoine Spanglish voice. Lmao!!
hahahah! Not offended. Are you going to do this again next month regarding "X-MAS"? I hope so, cause I look forward to that one being much more controversial 😉
Personally, I just call it my birthday. I'm slightly jealous that I have to share it with someone who died way more popular than me. ….Too much?
Totally agree. It seems like people have to make up different names for everything cause it's not 'cool' to call things by their/its actual name.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
I'm offended. We should really say "Happy Eating Season" or something equally as broad.