Oh my goodness! Where have you all been? Wait. Where have I been? Um, slacking actually.
Not work-out slacking, but blog slacking. I took the weekend off from blogging so I could write a super duper long post today to get your through your Tuesday-feels-like-a-Monday. See how much I care?
Let’s see, when we last left the Adventures of B.o.B., I was getting ready to ride a bicycle for the first time in 18 years. I got up early on Saturday and decided to go meet the group. I figure if I can’t run I’ll at least try to maintain some normalcy while riding a bike at the butt crack of dawn.
It was nice not to pack pounds of running stuff and have a caffeinated beverage. Our route is a 4 1/2 out and back and at 5 AM, it’s very dark. I wore my Miner 49-er headlamp and let the runners get a big lead before I took off (I didn’t want them to see me bust my butt immediately). I was seventeen kinds of wobbly. To start off I did some small laps around the parking lot. I was making really wide turns and kept hearing this person say, “Whoa! Whoa! Whooooa!”
Ok, so that person was me.
I am not going to lie. The first 4 1/2 miles were a white knuckle ride. My forearms were sore the next day from the death grip I had on the handle bars. My shoulders are still a bit sore and my butt feels like I did 790 squats.
I was like the BRA mascot as I took photos and wrote some birthday messages in chalk on the sidewalk for Jesus John’s daughter who runs the same route with her cross country team. I wound up riding 22 miles and probably could have been fine only doing half of that. But I wanted to get the cardio in.
Saturday after the ride, my sister and I went to the Gator game. The Gators won, no surprise there and we had an awesome time. In the car ride home we had a Michael Jackson concert. I am sure we sounded amazing.
Sunday, I tried out some aqua jogging. Let me tell you what, it’s very weird. Navy Steve let me borrow his floaty belt (Thanks Steve!). You put this foam flotation device around your waist and it holds you up-right while you run. Your arms and legs are going as fast as they can and you are maybe moving forward at about a 30 minute mile pace. Can you say turtle-y?My first mistake of aqua jogging was that I attempted it at the “Compton” pool and it didn’t work out so well. There were kids cannonball-ing on my head and Marco Polo-ing all over the place. Plus their parents were smoking cigs, drinking 40’s, and staring at me like I had 22 heads. Monday morning, I decided to get to the “Compton” pool before it turned into family fun day. It was a much smarter decision as I got 30 minutes of aqua jogging in. Yes, it’s boring, but I feel that it helps. Obviously, my ankle is still not right and I am debating seeing an actual doctor. Not sure what they would tell me other than, “Stay off it. Rest. Blah blah blah.”Also yesterday Coach Tom and V had a pool party. It was quite fun and a lot of the BRA showed up. We watched The Spirit of the Marathon and had delish snacks and such. Party animals for sure. Other than the ankle, it was a great weekend. (If you are still reading this then you might be suffering from long weekend-itis.) I will be checking out your blogs today. I hope you all had a very un-laborious Labor Day!
1) Diggin' the Shark horn.
2) Gators did not cover the spread – how weak is that?
3) Dr. Jamoosh refers you to the BRICE method…
I'm loving that horn!! How fun is that!? Glad you got out there and gave the biking a chance!
Haha, I have a cruiser style bike that I ride to work and I have a great bell on it….or at least I thought I did until I saw that one! That is fantastic! Grat job on the bike ride!
You look so legit on that bike! (Also, get some bike shorts with the maxi pad if you're going to ride often. Makes a HUGE difference on the lady bits.)
that bike looks like loads of fun. love the shark horn!
aqua jogging sounds interesting.
Great job on the bike, glad you are conquering the fear!!! Go Gators! I am headed to next weeks game with my hubby and boys, should be fun!!!
Hope the ankle starts to get better!!!
I have never tried aqua jogging — did the pool bottom hurt your feet? Or do you wear shoes?
I didn't catch the gator game — busy watching the Tide and the OSU/Georgia game — the spread was 72.5!
RICE is always NICE
NY – no shoes, you must be deep enough to not touch the bottom (at least 5 ft) so no stress on the ankle.
ADORABLE photo, seriously too pretty!
That horn makes me SMILE!! My parents used to have a crazy horn on our motorhome and I LOVED It.
My BF rode next to me on my LONG training runs and it made me so happy. I am sure you kept people SMILING.
Bad case of long weekend-itis here. Yep.
Congrats on the bike ride! 22 miles your first time back on? NICE!
I tried aqua jogging once and felt like such an idiot that I bailed and sat in the hot tub. (NOT saying you should feel like an idiot!)
Sounds like a fun weekend. Thanks for sharing!
Glad you survived the bike ride! and I love the little horn.
you are inspiring…really…I totally admire your work ethic with being fit!!!!
I totally love that bike! you are hardcore to even go near it though… for I would def. fall and kill myself.
Love the shark bell. I'm glad that you had a good ride!
I totally broke out M. Jackson's "I'm Bad" this weekend while doing my run test.
as already noted, the shark horn is awesome and I'm considering stealing it.
glad you got some kid free aqua running in, and hope the ankle gets better. make sure to keep your range of motion and you'll be back running on it soon!
I can only imagine what people in your complex think about you. I love your apartment complex stories! You are being so creative with the workouts since your injury. You look so super on the bike!
We must get together again soon lady!
It sounds like you had a variety of physical activity this weekend! Way to mix it up 🙂 I should take notes and do that every once in a while.
I am jealous of the shark horn, my bike just has a standard bell 🙁 glad you are able to be creative with your workouts and still get some cardio in. Hope your foot starts feeling better already!!
Haha, I've never tried aqua jogging, so props to you girl!
Way to go w/aqua jogging amid the chaos.
LOVE the horn!
yay for aqua jogging. and yes i have done it, last year i had a stress fracture on the opposite foot i'm having problems with now. and yes, it's a little awkward, after a few months of doing it, i never got used to it. i did get really into swimming though. i haven't done it yet this injury, i hate taking the crutches to the pool. oh and i have yelled at some little kids and a lifegaurd at the YMCA when pool jogging because of toys being thrown into the lap pool… yeah, i was THAT girl 😉