I did a lot of learning this weekend and it spilled over into today at work with my health screening so I’ve got quite a few things to report to you all.
On Saturday I did another fun brick workout at the lovely Ft De Soto park. A few new friends came out so it was awesome to mix up the group with lots of tri buddies. Since my knee is still feeling a bit wonk, I skipped the run and did a longer ride of 28 miles instead of going short and adding in the run. I made the mistake of starting the ride in the back of the group and was left all by myself ….in dead last….
I have to admit that I was super frustrated with my cycling skills. I know I will get better. I used to be dead last on the run and I’ve improved there. It took some time and some work, but I got better. And it’ll be the same with the bike. I just gotta get my butt in the saddle more. I did notice on this ride that my right tricep and shoulder were killing me. I paid close attention not to have the death grip but then started thinking perhaps my bike needed a refit.
After the 28 mile ride we completed a half mile OWS. Nothing much to report here. I like swimming even though I can’t swim in a straight line to save my life.
I decided after that ride that I’d take up a buddy on his offer to look at my bike. This buddy, who I’ll call The Magician, just so happens to be the manager of a local bike shop and a pretty bad ass triathlete. Score! I headed over to the bike shop Saturday evening and he really took his time adjusting Dolly.
Turns out, she needed a lot of adjusting. Practicing on the trainer while at the store, I could tell my right arm was in a better position. He took the saddle down a bit and pushed me closer to the front. He also tilted the handlebars and took leg measurements to ensure I was in the right spot. I have yet to ride with the adjustments but I have a feeling I am going to be much more comfortable. The Magician also told me that my bike was pretty heavy and that I need to relax while riding. Relaxing is going to be a major theme for me while riding. I may write it on my hand as a reminder. Thanks again to The Magician!
I mentioned to The Magician that my left knee was feeling weird and he told me to head over to the running store a few shops down to see the manager, L. L knows a lot about running and injuries. Since L is an amazing runner, I knew he’d be perfect to help me assess this wonky knee.
L had me get on the foot sensor machine that measures the pressure in your feet. You can see it by way of colors on a monitor. We immediately saw that there was more pressure in my left leg than my right, even when I felt as though I was standing evenly. We discussed how thus far, both injuries I have had have occurred in my left leg. He watched me run on the treadmill and saw the pronation in my right leg. L thinks my left leg may be shorter than my right. I’m not one hundred percent sure on this but it makes sense. He gave me the heel from an insole and said to test it out under the insole of my left shoe for a few short runs. I’m interested to test this out but will wait until the knee is feeling better.
I did a spin class this morning and my knee is feeling better. I really want to run well in the relay at the end of the month so I’m just going to keep resting it until it feels perfect. No sense making it worse right?
And after a very fun day of volunteering on Sunday at the Shamrock 5K & 10K races I came in to work and had a health screening. The health screening checks your cholesterol, blood pressure, BMI, glucose, and triglycerides. Everything checked out great! In fact, the girl going over my results with me said, “Whoa! You have the highest good cholesterol I’ve ever seen. Do you run?”
Damn, I want your life, except for the wonky knee and being dropped on the bike and the swimming a straight line! LOL…………..
Haha, I had to laugh at not being able to swim in a straight line, the only way I can try is if I'm in a pool with lanes and even then ….. it's tricky 😉
Sounds like it was a great day of training, well done.
I am glad everything worked out with getting the bike refitted. Sounds a little complicated but interesting. Both of us have to keep each other in check about the death grip this weekend. We shall relax and enjoy our wheels. 🙂
Yay for the bike FYI. I experience shoulder pain while riding also. I think when I get tired I start to lean forward and put too much weight on my shoulders
I don't know how you fit it all in! It's sometimes fun to realize how much healthier we are than the general population for all the running that we do. Just hanging around my amazing athlete friends sometimes makes me feel like an underachiever, but really we are all in great shape!
awww, so happy you have some happy!!
bike fit is essential to riding comfortably and keeping injury free!!
happy training 🙂
It's always nice to hear good things from the doc, glad to hear you're setting health records! You're one leg shorter than the other assesment sounds like when I had my gait analyzed a few weeks back and the guy mentioned I might have slight scoliosis…not exactly what you were expecting to hear I bet!
It always is nice when your running shows through in your health!!! Riding won't suck forever…before you know it you'll be tearing it up!!
It always amazes me what they will find on a bike fit. Crazy stuff.
My fingers remained crossed that this is the magic fix!!!!!!!!!!
The way you feel about the bike is the way I feel about the swim. I love swimming and I would do it all day long, but my skills are terrible! Keep at it! you will get it!
If I relaxed on the bike I would probably fall over. Hmm maybe mine is heavy too. Hope the bike fitting tweaks help.
I stepped on a similar soundin maching by Dr. scholls at Walmart the other day. It said I had normal feet but recommended a shoe pad thin anyway. Go figure
Hooray forthe good choloresterol! (hmm my autocorrect didn't even try to fix that)
My hubs has done numerous bike fits to make sure things are spot on and they totally help. Hope your fixes are good ones.
The bike fit might help your riding and your knee. Hope it works!
most important thing is that your overall health is good!
But as far as the other stuff goes – good on the bike fit, and I am even more interested to see how the insert works out, as I am getting tired of the wonky knee!