Steve’s Report:
I got to the chip issue place on the morning (instead of giving it out the night before as most have done – not a bad idea though so you have less “lost” chips) and my chip #908 is not on the rack. It is gone. No problems – we’ll fix it. Come back a little later, “Here take this one – #1002, you will have no issues.” Right! Overall – the volunteer support and logistics of the race were excellent, and I was not too concerned about the chip, but I knew that it would cause problems down the road. Can’t worry about it now. As long as this one works it can be fixed later on. As I was righting this, still no official splits on the site – but at least my overall time is there.
Mass start at 7:30 AM.
I swim much better in a wetsuit. The wetsuit is very good in 74 degree water and the water was pretty smooth in the lake. It was two loops. When I got back in after the first loop, I waded out a little longer (as opposed to swimming on the jog back out to the water) to take a quick pee. That was about 8:15. That was my last pee for 14 hours…Seriously.
My folks and wife, Kris, were at transition and cheering like crazy. Looking strong! I was slow to get off my wetsuit so I had to get help to get it unclasped. The “stripper” stripped it off quick and I put my wetsuit in the bag, and put on my helmet and put all my PureFit Bars, ECaps, and Hammer Gels into my pockets in the back of my Tri-Shirt. Everyone went through a changing tent – a number of butt naked folks in there. Nobody cared. I personally did not get butt naked until after the bike.
Actually I passed a fair amount of people on the bike. I was heading around a corner when I heard this metal piece hit the ground. I was thinking, “What was that? Was it important? Should I go back and get it? Is my bike gearing and brakes still working?” I coasted for a few seconds to take stock and my bike seemed fine. Then, I looked at my Garmin. It was now just a watch band with a place where the Garmin electronics used to be. I figured that’s ok as I knew I had my other watch and could calculate approximate pace and distance at the aid station. The Garmin was over two years old and the way I sweat [B.o.B. Note: Steve sweats more than ANYONE I have ever seen.], it was about time for a new one. I will get a heart rate one next time and see how long the electronics can last on that with my sweating!! Merry Christmas to me!!
At mile 6 MAJOR cramp in the right thigh – my foot was pointed out at a greater than 45 degree angle! I am thinking, “Am I having a stroke? This is not good.” I physically could not dig deep and run. It was not a willpower or effort issue, it was just plain over. Every time I tried to run for the next 8 miles it would cramp up and send shooting pain. I figured walking was better than falling down and getting booted off the course. I have never walked in a race before (except for a 45 second stretch once toward the end of a marathon).
I am not sure when another racer named David came up, but I think it was right after my friend Larry (spectator) ran ahead. When I started to walk David came up behind me and he also started to walk. He was having major cramping in his hamstring. He said that it was better to walk with someone than walk alone. I told him that he would be walking a long time with me. It was his first Ironman as well. He ran a sub 3:00 Boston Marathon this year. I think he walked nearly two miles with me but before the end of the first loop he started to run again and he was gone.
This was probably the toughest part of the race for me. I can see the finish line but it is not the finish line that is the problem. It is the fact that I know I have a great cheering crowd there and I am going to reward them with a relatively SLOW WALK pace as I go by. And there is nothing I can do about it! There were balloons and signs and cowbells and cheering… And there was walking and more walking. If I had not already set in my mind to walk those last 20.2 miles I don’t think I would have kept going. This was the true decision point.
*Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion! Great story so far no???
I am on pins and needles here!!!
Ok I'm hooked…
He sent it over to me last night and I had goosebumps! Navy Steve is one hardcore, bad @ss, mo-fo!!!
I just can't even begin to imagine the pain he was going through… can't wait for the conclusion!!
OMG, ow. I cannot begin to imagine how painful this must have been. Can't wait for the rest!! 🙂
Wow– What a great report– can't wait to hear more. BTW: thanks for the post below on race calculators– I am going to use one right now!
I don't think there's anything Navy (Iron)Steve can't do…..expect booty-shake. I don't see that happening in the future but it would be interesting. 😉
Seriously, you and Redhead (and Kate & Kris( were great to cheer and support Navy Steve & if I was in a running fight (people trying to fight me while I'm running – happens somewhere, sometime, I'm sure), I would so want Navy Steve there to kick some a$$!!!!
exciting story so far! sounds like a fair amount of tough trials, but also a fun challenge. anxiously awaiting the next read 🙂