Happy Sunday kids! I hope you are all having lovely weekends. Mine has been nothing short of awesome.

Let’s see, Friday I went to a wine tasting with V and Strawberry E (although she just hung out as she’s running Boston). We sampled lots of delicioso reds and I promptly went to bed at 9 PM. Yup. Totally admit that I am a lame-o.

However, I did get up at 5:30 AM for my 10 mile run. I must say that it was one of the best 10 mile runs EVER. I took a Gu with caffeine prior to the run and it made a big difference. I wasn’t starving by mile 6 like I normally am and I had a little extra pep in my step, so to speak. I even charged up the hill which normally kicks my booty.

After my run I went in to the office, the next term starts tomorrow. And then I did some prep for the impromptu party for Straweberry E’s birthday. The BRA came over and we did it up. Ice cream cake, pizza, wine (for some), Dr. Pepper (for others), water for all. Today is officially Strawberry E’s birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY girl!

Oh, and by the way, Lloyd decided to be a ninja during the party. He’s such a ham.

I made it to the pool today for a little sun and am going to a head out for a trail run in a bit. It’s been a really relaxing weekend thus far.

Life is good.