My note from daily mile yesterday looked like this:
And yes, I did swim.
Upon arrival dark and early this AM I was greeted by my master’s group with the comment, “Oh, someone’s making a cameo today.” Always nice to be chastised at 5:30 in the morning. And of course, they kid, because they care. And also because I have definitely missed a few weeks of swimming.
I had to cut the workout to 1,900 because it was kicking my butt. I have obviously lost some swim fitness and was getting smoked by the fast group. But, in general, I did ok. A guy who never misses a swim told me he used the analogy that swimming fitness is like metal. If you let it sit, it will dull quickly, but it shines right back up when you polish it.
I must be honest though, over the weekend I did NOT bike as I had intended. Tri season is going to be tough if I don’t get it together. I think it’s probably ok to take some time off and train how you feel and lately I’ve just felt like running. Yes, queue the Forrest Gump quote.
Tonight is the always arse kicking track work and I’m hopeful that I don’t feel like death due to the early morning swim. It’s crazy to think that during my half IM training I was doing two-a-days on the regular. Sheesh.
How do you stay on track in the off season? Is there even an off season? Duck season? Wabbit season?
I read "duck season" as "drunk season" and I'd say I have a drunk season that lasts about two weekends after my last tri of the year. That's about all I can handle, how did I do a drunk season for four years of college weekends?? Huzzah on getting back in the pool! Go you! I went to the pool once last week and my arms were tired (and muscles burning) after only 200yds. I like your friend's analogy. I'm going to start telling myself "it's time to get shiny" because that sounds a heck of Alot more appealing than "it's time to jump into a freezing pool of water at O'Dark Thirty."
It is too cold to swim. I don't have heated pool lol. I think this Sunday I might try to slowly ride with runners through San Antonio. You can join me. However only if you promise to not mention to anyone ever what it looks like to ride hills at 2mph. 🙂
Horowitz said that if he missed practice for one day, he could hear the difference. If 2 days the critics could hear it, and if 3 days the public could. Swimming is so technical that even a week out of the pool puts lots of rust on the "feel". Which I'm about to find out all over again tomorrow.
I do the same thing where I announce my workout and I have to follow through or else I feel lame 🙂
Great job!
I am the same way right now. Just getting back into swimming & biking 3 days a week and running 4 days, and of course a few days of strength.
Good luck in getting back into it!!
Last week I took 3 days off and felt like a lazy lard. You do a half ironman and take a break from 2 of 3 sports, but still kick ass in the 3rd…. What is wrong with us?
I want to swim with you again. Because I am a dream crusher.
I'm scared to see what happens when I get back in the pool. If you braved the waters in the offseason, good for you. Offseason means not getting in the pool.
Pools in winter….no thanks…or in general haha ;-p
No swimming here for 3.5 months due to location! 6500 yards in 3 days in a row. Woot woot! Talk about loss of swim fitness!