Even though it’s pretty much been summer here in Florida since oh, I dunno, April, the highfalutin calendar says today is actually the first day of summer so who am I to argue?
Since I’ve signed up for two more tri’s and a 5K next month I figure I may as well get used to the heat and just do what I do every summer…suck it up buttercup. That being said, on Sunday I did the four mile 5 PM group run and felt as though my face was literally going to melt off. Fortunately, Caribbean Steve was there to talk so much that I forgot how hot it was and could only think about telling him to shut the hell up. Just kidding, C Steve, I still knew how hot it was. And YOU know how your talking helps get me and everyone else through a tough run (See: Ft Lauderdale Marathon Report).
What’s really awesome about running in this heat is how RED my face gets. See photo as evidence below, and this is RED face from that 8K in FEBRUARY. June RED face is much, much worse.
The one thing that does seem to help is an ice bath. Yep. The old ice bath really seems to help bring the temperature back down. On Sunday after the 5 PM run from hades I had my roomie dump ice into the tub while I sat there in my bathing suit. He thinks I am completely nuts, but I was still so HOT from the run that I felt like as soon as the ice hit my skin it melted. That’s my way of saying, I’m hot. Tee hee!
This concludes my one and only post about it being hot and the summer and running in the heat and what to do about it and blahbitty-blah-blah.
Happy Tuesday folks. Hot enough for ya?
It isn't officially summer until 1pm today. why 1pm and not 12pm? i don't know but i read it somewhere this morning in my half asleep stupor. Ice baths are a god send!
here we go again …signing in as cb b/c google/blogger is buggin' out.
cb = KC at 140.6 miles
blogger …u are so PMS'ing lately!
ugh. what's up with it lately? we may have mass exits if it doesn't shape up….
I got up early to run here in Oregon, since it's going to be a whopping 78 degrees this afternoon. I know, I know, we don't know what HOT really is. Thanks for reminding me how lucky I am to live up here!
Thanks to a morning rain storm, we're dipping into the low 90's to celebrate Summer …. instead of the triple-digits we've been getting the last few weeks of "Spring".
I'd rather be red (face) than dead (face)!
some of our hot went away but it has been replaced with 90% humidity. i do not like to run when the dewpoint is 69 (this morning). i do not like it at all.
Now you can scratch that off your list! Summer running is tough, but it makes us tougher!
It's hot. It's Africa hot. Tarzan couldn't stand this kind of hot.
Its so much better than running in the freezing cold. I think I have a thing for summer and heat though….I grew up in the icy cold!!
It was a horrible hot run for me today too. booo hiss!
I was red-faced one time at Band Camp…………..
Ref Tampa visit:
I have got a nine miler on the schedule for July 2nd. Not sure how that fits into your running group’s schedule. I was hoping on hitting up Bayshore and Davis Island, but I am flexible.
Then again, I will be at Dunedin Brewing for lunch Friday – not sure how that translates to nine miles on Saturday!
I was thinking on doing the Lutz July 4th 5K for grins, but it depends on the family.
jamesdavid (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
I think we need the heat so we have something to complain about. What would we do if it was always perfect running weather? 😉