Well I did it! I made 6 full days of running this week. That is 30 miles. I’ll be getting up to a lot more than that for the Marine Corps Marathon, but I am very pleased with my runs in general this week. I wanted to give some other newbies a tip. As Hamlet said “The play’s the thing,” and I have learned that in running, the PACE’s the thing.

I ran a 10 miler this morning and warned my running buddies that they could go ahead of me as far as they liked because I was sticking to the pace. I have often made the mistake of trying to run with the big dogs (well medium dogs, but big to me). When I do this I bonk at the second part of the run. Not anymore. I know it seems so silly, just slow down dummy! But sometimes you get caught up in the group and the adrenaline.

Not today. I am happy to report that I ran the first 5 at a comfortable pace and the last 5 was able to do some negative splits (that means a quicker pace per mile).

Tonight I am off to a BRA (running group) par-tay that should be loads of fun. I am going to reward my 6 days of running with beer and cake. Not together of course that would be weird…..well maybe not that weird….