Well I did it! I made 6 full days of running this week. That is 30 miles. I’ll be getting up to a lot more than that for the Marine Corps Marathon, but I am very pleased with my runs in general this week. I wanted to give some other newbies a tip. As Hamlet said “The play’s the thing,” and I have learned that in running, the PACE’s the thing.
I ran a 10 miler this morning and warned my running buddies that they could go ahead of me as far as they liked because I was sticking to the pace. I have often made the mistake of trying to run with the big dogs (well medium dogs, but big to me). When I do this I bonk at the second part of the run. Not anymore. I know it seems so silly, just slow down dummy! But sometimes you get caught up in the group and the adrenaline.
Not today. I am happy to report that I ran the first 5 at a comfortable pace and the last 5 was able to do some negative splits (that means a quicker pace per mile).
Tonight I am off to a BRA (running group) par-tay that should be loads of fun. I am going to reward my 6 days of running with beer and cake. Not together of course that would be weird…..well maybe not that weird….
Pacing is tough. I always get nervous when I run with others, especially if I haven't run with them before. I am always afraid I am going to hold them back.
Well deserved treat 🙂
Hey…thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting.
Second, I think you're doing a good thing by sticking with your pacing plan and not getting caught up running faster than planned. It's good practice for marathon training too.
You're going to love running in D.C. I got a chance to do that this week and totally enjoyed all the sights and scenery. It's a very running- centric town and I was glad to be a part of that!
Hope you have loads of fun at your party!
My first group training for the 1/2 this year I got caught up in the speed of those medium dogs and then the heat got me and my fast pace died! Its just so hard to keep at the "right" pace for me!
Beer and cake? blech
Now…beer and fruit snacks? (y'know – the kid kind?) That's a match made in Heaven, I tell you.
Stopping in from SITs – have a great day!