
I ran nine miles this morning. One mile for every year that my dad has been gone. I wasn’t a runner, not really, before my dad passed. My sister and I had been training for our first 10K, which I believe was actually Iron Girl, and he passed the weekend prior to...

Current Favorite Things

I haven’t done a favorite things style post in a while and I’ve been racking up new faves left and right. A lot of these items have nothing to do with running but I’m a product whore woman-who-knows-what-she-wants and I love sharing this stuff with...

Something’s Afoot.

My Fake Injury History It seems to be a pattern for me that right before a big race I get injured. And of course, that injury ends up being somewhat of a mystery.   For example, in 2011 I swore the shin pain I was having was a stress fracture. I got an MRI only...

I Heart Finish Lines

I finally added tabs after blogging since 2009 and it took me quite some time to compile my race reports. (They are in reverse chronological order.) Enjoy! 5Ks Father’s Day Race Report 6/21/09 – A 5K with Big Sis to remember our awesome dad....

November Stats/Recap

Hooray for December! November seemed to fly by and with three races, I definitely took full advantage of the cooler temps. I’m so looking forward to this month that will bring a visit from my sis and family plus a lot of holiday vacation days! Also,...