Fellow Floridian blogger Kristin, from BonBon Rose had a Pay It Forward contest/giveaway and I decided to play. Here’s how it works: the first three readers to comment on this post will win a little treat from me. The only rule is that you have to pay it forward with your blog. Cheers and thanks to BonBon Rose!
nice blog. I hope it is some guy thing to giveaway.
I found your blog from Chic Runner. Glad I stumbled on it, you have a great blog, I love reading about runners, since I'm a fairly new runner myself… or wanna-be runner… however you look it at 🙂
Thanks for the comment! I really do cherish the time I get to spend with my dad…I think he's pretty awesome 🙂
And you three my friends are the winners!
I hope you got my email if not..shoot me one at kristinlmeeks@gmail.com 🙂