Friends, I’m not sure if you have noticed but I hate free time. From my full time gig, to racing, to my new gig coaching with RunVie, to volunteering with Best Damn Race and the Special Olympics you could say that I already have a pretty full plate. But, I can’t help myself. I love being busy and active. And I love, love, love helping others. This is the reason why I’ve decided to pursue some coaching certifications and signed on with RunVie.
I wanted to put it out there as to why I’m beginning a path in coaching that will include running and swimming. As of right now, as I mentioned before, I’ve taken on a role of assistant coach with RunVie racing. RunVie is a six year old, local coached group/team who have been under the guidance of two very seasoned coaches and athletes. Those coaches needed a little extra help and that’s where I came in. In shadowing them, as well as being personally coached by several really stand out local coaches, I’ve been growing in experience and knowledge. BUT. And that’s a big BUT (har, har) I have a long way to go before I start charging people the going rates or annoying you all with my thoughts on heart rate training (just an example).
Shocking, I know.
Currently, I assist RunVie with the basics, since I would say that after about six years of racing, I am comfortable with helping newer runners and triathletes.
I’m getting a USATF (USA Track and Field) coaching certification as well as a USMS (US Master’s Swimming) coaching certification in January. Both of these will help me not only with RunVie, but also with the Special Olympics. Even though the Special Olympics typically have different rules, knowing the basics before learning any modification will be supremely helpful.
Do these certifications mean I will become a coach automatically? Hell. No. I know coaches, really great coaches, aren’t built overnight. I have a lot to learn and I really want to build by both training and experience. I have no plans of coaching the next Flo Jo or Michael Phelps, but I do think there is a contingent of athletes that I will be the perfect for.
I can’t wait to share this journey with you all. Now drop and give me twenty!