Ragnar prep continues and my house currently looks like the creative section of Walmart, if it threw up. And had no employees. And smelled better. Clean up on Aisle 4!

During all of my labor for the Ragnar Relay decorations I am learning so much crap about myself. Firstly, I can’t sew. Secondly, I love a stencil. Thirdly, Martha Stewart I ain’t. I am however, quite resourceful. Pass me a glue gun and I can make it work (so there Tim Gunn!).

I am so freakin’ stoked to see Red and Spike. I haven’t seen them since summer and I always look forward to time with my Boo. Yes, Red and I have pet names for each other. That’s how lame, er I mean, awesome we are. Heh. I’m hoping that Spike enjoys the Half Nuts crew as much as we do and I get the feeling he’s going to fit in just fine.

On a different note, I’m not quite sure what my pace is these days. I’ve been running like a bat out of hell and I don’t know where it’s coming from. I guess since I’m coming off of marathon training I’m still using a lot of that fitness I built up. I am hoping it lasts and that I have a good pace for Ragnar and the Turkey Trot. (And obviously, the Ft. Lauderdale Marathon. EEEEEEEE!)

My Ragnar legs are not too bad. I’m actually kind of stoked for lower mileage so I can take full advantage of this random speediness I seem to have acquired. As runner number 10, I have a total of 13.8 miles. The last one being the longest at 6.6 miles. Why is that last one always the longest? At that point we’re all punch drunk and goofy.
Only three sleeps to go! I cannot wait. Happy Tuesday my friends. Who else is Turkey Trotting or racing soon?