Oh where to start? First let me just say that this event is my new favorite running event. This is surprising for a few reasons.
1. I hate camping.
2. I looooooove sleeping.
3. I like looking pretty. (Hee hee!)
But against all of the above odds, I abso-freakin’-lutely LOVED Ragnar. A lot (most) of it had to do with my team. The 12 people on team Half Nuts had so much heart, humor, and love that it was like a perfect mix of athleticism and personality. In addition I learned many lessons from this race.
As you all know I was in van 2 with: Jesus John (or Caption Nuts), The Redhead, P-Funk, Caribbean Steve, and Shorty Shorts Jason (more on this later). As runner number 9, I had three runs totalling 16.9 miles. I didn’t quite understand the logistics of the vans until after we got started. Or actually, until after van 1 got started and we loitered at Barnes and Noble for about three hours. Ragnar lesson #1: B & N can be fun with six bored runners.
Basically, the team is split in two vans. The first van’s six runners do their first legs and then van two meets them and starts theirs. From there the vans leap frog until the finish. Make sense?
Caribbean Steve started us off after a smooth transition from John Steelbuns (who was in van one). After C Steve came Shorty Shorts Jason, then it was my turn. Both C Steve and SS Jason had great first legs!
Ok so my first leg started at about 6ish. It was a nice little 5.1 miler down a super high traffic highway. At night. Lots of cars. Kinda scary, not gonna lie. At two different points I looked at two drivers – straight in the eye- and made contact with them and they still drove ahead! Almost ran this little BoB over. Not. Cool. Ragnar Lesson #2: Some drivers are just shit heads.
However, on this leg I ran an average 8:14 minute mile pace (Who the hell is this new speedy BoB?). I also chicked a dude who, from outwardly appearance, I swore was going to be way ahead of me. Ragnar Lesson #3: Never judge a runner by their appearance.
I finished my run and it was time for P-Funk to get her hills on. Holy. Crap. P-Funk had the leg known as “Hills are for Heroes.” Just driving the hills she ran freaked me out. She did amazing and kept a super quick, steady pace. So proud of my little P-Funk.
Up next was the Redhead. She, of course, killed her leg. I’ll let her tell the story of her runs on her blog.
After Redhead, was Jesus John who brought us in strong to the first main van exchange. At this point we turned the race over to van 1 and got some shut eye.
Thankfully Jesus John had a huge tent and brought me a sleeping bag.
A note on Jesus John and Caribbean Steve. These two are characters. Like a loveable and hilarious dynamic duo, they had us laughing the entire time. Jesus John taught the island man, Steve, how to pitch a tent. Yeah, of course the joke about teaching someone “to pitch a tent” never got old, but Steve was legitimately excited about learning how to do this as he was never taught as a child. It was too funny!
I actually got some sleep. Oh, and in case you were wondering, apparently, I am one of those people who can sleep in very odd positions and at any time. Go me.
Stayed tuned for leg two and photos!
Hope you all had great weekends! Gotta catch up on your lovely blogs and lives!
Being able to sleep anywhere is a great gift!
I have been thinking of doing a relay – it sounds like so much fun! This has definitely made up my mind. In 2010, I will relay!
Great post and I love your blog. I'm also a pretty new runner and I can definitely relate.
Sounds so fun, and that it'll be a must-do event for you again!
Sounds like you had so much fun!! I can't wait to see pictures. I've always wanted to do one of those relays. I'm glad you had fun!
Ragnar was AWESOME. Awe. Some. I looked for your team, but never saw ya. Looks like you had a later start time than us, so that might be why. Wha wha. Can't wait to hear the restr of the race report. Stay tuned for mine, but for now I just want to get some shut eye!
Awesome! And most of all i love the term "chicked a dude"! CLASSIC.
Yay! Can't wait to read part 2 and see the photos!
I agree w/you about some drivers. Grrr…
You were the ones with the tent? I was so jealous! I had a view of your tent while I was trying to sleep in our rental mini van.
Can't wait to hear how the rest of it went for you!
congrats!! glad you had a good time and got some sleep 🙂 sooo jealous that you got to do this! looking forward to part 2 (and whatever else follows!)
ooooooh sounds like someone had an AWESOME experience. 🙂
What are you talking about your recap is a dirt turd?!?!? I love it!
Seriously, this was such an awesome experience and I find myself just cracking up as I relive moments in my head. I can't WAIT for next year! Thank you soooooooo much for inviting me on the team!!! Luv you Boo!!!
i hate camping too and was very happy when we were able to sleep in a gym…haha sleep…ok lay down in a gym while waiting for van 2
Great lessons, BoB and they are all so true! Ragnar is definitely so much fun. Now if I can get the rest of my running club on board, it would be fabulous. Looking forward to Leg 2
You know, I wondered how this year was going to compare with my experience of Ragnar 2008 with the 12 Hearts. All I can say is that Half Nuts, especially Van 2, have now created ANOTHER most memorable experience of my life!! (aka H.R. is saying.."They are equally memorable" LOL!)
Having these recaps is wonderful because even when I got home, I just couldn't get enough of Ragnar's experience and the bond we had!!
Being so close for so long with this kind of race, you either going to be hatin' each other at the end or closer than before. I'm proud to say there was no ankle-kicking or hair-pulling with Half Nuts! (well….expect for Coach Tom fondling of Redhead's, ponytail…still weird. LOL!!)
Thank you for the memories!!! I feel like singing. Back Eow!….And Middle Row!….Now Front Row…Front Row?…(*crickets*)
AWESOME! Love this report so far. You guys must have had so much fun.
Oh, and I am one of those sleepers too. I once slept on a sidewalk all night lining up for something. There were car alarms going off and I was in the most awkward position (fortunately hubby was there to watch over me all night) and I was perfectly happy in slumber land.
Great recap! Can't wait for part II! Glad you all made it out alive! And yes, some drivers are just plain shit-heads, as you have probably gathered from my blog! 🙁
Woo hoo! Waiting with baited breath……
BoB….. LOVED the recap. Sounds like you guys had ALMOST as much fun as Van 1! It truly was an experience for the ages. Like P-Funk said… you'll either end up hating each other or being closer than ever. When we pulled into Mike's yesterday it was hard to say good-bye. You'd have thought we'd be more than ready to be done with each other. As Jen Evans sang towards the end… "We are Family all my fellow nutters and me."
LOL i totally value sleep and hygiene as well but did one of those crazy relays too! looking forward to the pics! way to chick the guys!
All the people that participated in this run must have run the Red Dress run with me in D.C.! It sounds like you had crazy fun time! 😉
Congrats on that face pace time oh and the always popular accomplishment of "chicking a dude!" Haha… honestly can't say I've heard that term until now.
Great recap. Your names rock. I think you got fast in a hurry! That sounds awesome. You and the Redhead sound like a great group to go on a running party with. Congrats congrats congrats!
I'm so jealous you ran Ragnar! It just sounds like a complete experience. 🙂 Can't wait for recap number 2! 🙂 Great job!