W-T-F is up with this weather?
I got home yesterday and was unsure as to whether or not I was going to make my run. Luckily, by the time I got to the meet up spot with the BRA it had slowed to a drizzle. I am still kind of hesitant on running in the rain. While I like dirty shoes, I don’t like having to dry them out. We had a new person show up for the run and since she didn’t know the way I was happy to hang with her. It was a recovery 5 miler for me anyway so no need to push it.
Due to the rain we were all over the place dodging puddles the size of pools. It was actually kind of fun and we likened it to a trail run. Taking advantage of the cloud coverage and cooler temps was also quite nice.
This morning I woke to a torrential downpour. Holy biblical weather, Batman! When I went to take the attack terrier Lloyd outside he just looked at me as if to say, “Ninja, please.” So back inside we went.
On my 30 minute commute to work I saw two electric poles get struck by lightning. My step mom sent out an email to make sure we all made it to work safely. My mom sent me a text that said “PLEASE BE CAREFUL OUT THERE.” That’s how bad it was.
Hopefully the rain god will cease and desist with this assault by this evening as I’ve got a 7 mile MLR.
Stay dry peeps (unless you are nuts like the rest of us runners and scoff at the wetness of your soggy socks).
Crazy weather! Last year, during hurrican season, we ran in a HUGE downpour. They said it was the aftermath of the hurricane – we were soaked when we finished. Nothing like doing a 5 miler in the pouring rain! Stay dry!
Oh man us Vegas peeps would die for a run in the rain. I can think of 2 in last 2 years or so. ENJOY IT!!!
Jeez! Us Southern Calfornia folks would also love some of that weather over here! OUr "ain year" just finished yesterday. Total precipitation for 7/1/08 – 6/30/09 – 7.72 inches. Water restrictions here we come!
I alo need to admit. I hate having wet shoes too. I just wish I cold say that my wet shoes were being caused by running through puddles instead of sweat. Yech!
Sounds crazy out there! I would freak out so hard core if I saw lightning. Could be because I tend to be overly paranoid about stuff, but I'd start having nightmares about being struck by lightning! or maybe that would make me "fast as lightning?"…. haha
Funny, I hate starting a run in the rain, but I love (as long as it's not a storm)running in the rain after I've already started. Once me and my running buddies were running (in the winter) and the temp dropped suddenly about 20degree and then started to pour rain. We were frozen to the bone. My shirt was even stiff when we finished because it had started to freeze! LOL!
I'm tired of the rain, too – it just stopped here in DC (after practically 2 months!)
Where are you at in FL? Thats where I am originally from – but live in DC, now.
I see you are running the MCM – I'm doing the 10k that day – haha, lame compared to you.
Have a great 4th – and I'm looking forward to reading more from you
you have no idea how much I'd trade my sunny hot weather for your rain right now. It's been crazy hot here 102, 104 degrees. its nutso!
Doing most of my runs at the Gym cause of this crazy South Florida weather 🙂 but you gotta love it!
Glad you got your run in despite the weather. The weather has been crazy everywhere this summer. Let's hope it gets better soon!
I do not miss those Florida Summer rain showers!! They can be brutal.
I give you a lot of credit for pushing it through the rain– but don't get struck by lightening!! After all, Florida is the lightening capitol of the world.
BTW thanks for the advice on choosing a right marathon. When you said your friends had a "not so exciting" Disney marathon experience– what did you mean?
It's crazy raining here still. On an up note, our lawn is looking much greener!
Thanks for popping by my blog! I'm so glad to have discovered yours now – you're hilarious!
I hear you about the rain, but at the moment where I live it's the dry season, which means no rain, not anywhere, not ever. You know what the crappy thing about that is (and there is one, believe me)? You can't swim in the water surrounding the city because there's crocodiles and stingers ready to eat you up.
Hope the weather perks up soon!
In New York, it has rained, like, non-stop until a couple of days ago. Someone told me it rained 27 of the 30 days in June.
Anyway, the last couple of races I have run in have been ..you guessed it.. in the rain.
This too shall pass!
cute about your mom's checking in on you and the commute! glad the storminess held off so you could get some running in. hope you see some sunshine soon!