Welcome to 2011 folks! I am feeling optimistic and rejuvenated. Well, emotionally I feel that way, cause man is my ass hurting today. Ha ha.
I decided to begin incorporating some spin classes into my life because that tri number 2 is right around the corner. And as such my bum is a hurtin!
I hit up my 18 miler with Cute K on Sunday and am proud to report we averaged 8:45 minute miles. I know the long runs aren’t supposed to be fast but I didn’t feel like I was struggling at this pace until about mile 16. And let’s be honest here, by mile 16 things start to hurt anyway. I’ll be sure to slow it down for the first half this week as I have another 18 miler on deck.
Lately, I’ve been a total slacker on Mondays, thus I decided that would be the best day of the week to work in the spinning. Fortunately, Big Sis goes to an awesome spin studio and I really enjoyed it. The spin studio has two gigantic video screens where you can watch the music videos as you ride your booty off. I told P-Funk it helps get your mind off of the fact that you are about to die, especially if it’s a song you enjoy and you know how much longer until that particular song of torture ends. I personally prefer the sprinting on the spin bike to the slow, hard “up-hills.” Which obviously translates to the fact that any hill on the “real” bike kicks my tush.
In any event, I’m so happy I took the class and have realized something that will help me in my quest to tri number 2. I’m not terrible on the bike. I can turn my legs over and my cardio is good enough to maintain a quick-ish (let’s not get ahead of ourselves here B.o.B.) pace. The main problem I have, is fear.
I’m afraid to fall on the “real” bike and scrape my face. After all, that is my money maker. Heh. I guess it’s just something I’ll have to work on.
Speaking of bikes, this weekend is the big bike purchasing weekend. I’ve gathered up the smartest group of cyclists I know and they are accompanying me to pick up the new addition to my endurance family. I’m actually most excited to name it. I know, I am such a dork.
That’s all for me kids. Have a great Tuesday. Oh, and for fun, feel free to count the amount of synonyms I used for the derriere.
You know I've fallen, it's scary out here because I don't like flying down hill and it's very hilly out here!! It's nice and flat where you'll ride. Just don't forget your clipped in LOL!!!!! Happy bike shopping!
I too went to a spin class and it's stoooopid! I loved sweating to the sounds but it kicked my arse! It will probably be my Monday routine also. hey, we're twins…….. HA
I rocked the trainer last night myself and it wasn't the a$$ that hurt but that area just under that connects the hamstring to the glute….on fire!
By the way the name of my bike is El Diablo….so try not to use that one unless you plan on going very very fast on it…..LOL!
I have spin tonight and I love it. The trainer on Tuesdays picks all the right songs and you are right, you can lose yourself in a song and forget the suck of the situation.
It is crappola that your butt hurts for approximately ever though.
I wish my gym had spin. I feel like i'm stuck in the same boring rut at the gym and want to try something different!!
I went to a spin class once and walked funny for a week. hahahah
super fun! picking the name is the best part!
Thanks a lot! Now I'm sitting here singing Rawhide in my mind! I love spinning classes too. It's a good thing that sore rear end goes away after a few times. And I'm really afraid of falling outside too. I wonder if you ever get used to going fast. You let me know!
I've ALWAYS been scared to fall off a bike. But whats crazy… as a kid I never had that fear? I'm an adult now, more coordinated… and yet I'm terrified of falling and hitting the ground? How on earth is that possible? Crazy. I love spinning classes too 🙂
whoaaa a big bike purchase?! good luck! every time i come close i get scared about spending that much…
nice job on the 18! man i need to start going long…
Lol! Love the title. I'm old enough to remember watching the original Rawhide (with a *very* young Clint Eastwood) on TV…. Man I'm an old fart.
Were there any people in your class that still said, "on your left."
have fun with the new bike!
I'm still dropping in from time to time Beth but you'd know that if I commented more!
Happy New Year to you and yours! looking forward to seeing what becomes of you 😉
I once spent a lot of time online researching "saddle sore"!