On Sunday, I ran the Sarasota 1/2 Marathon. As predicted it was NOT my best “race” time. However, it was an awesomely fun race and as un-predicted (is this a word?) it WAS a good idea.
Begin PSA: Before I begin the race report I need to back it up to Wednesday when I did Crossboot. Remember those ab exercises in the picture? The ones where your partner pushed your legs down to really work those lower abs? Yeah, those. Holy mother of God, I think I pulled every single ab muscle I have. I was fine on Thursday and Friday they were a little sore. But, come Saturday, I wanted to die. Heed my warning on this YOU can over do it with ab exercises. I would never have known it because I’ve always done ab stuff and never had an issue. For whatever reason, this last workout really messed me up. I was on the verge of tears Saturday because they just hurt so bad. I iced and took some ibuprofen and that seemed to help as they felt much better on Sunday AM. Be careful with abs. End PSA.
Now, come Sunday AM, I was feeling much better as the SO and I woke up to get ready to run. I had a plan and even though I was worried about sticking to it, I tried really hard to imprint it into my brain. It went like this:
“B.o.B., don’t be a dumbass. Don’t run too fast and then put yourself out for another two weeks. Stick to the plan. Stick to the PLAN. STICK TO THE PLAN!”
My plan was this: start half marathon with blogger gals, Caroline and Nanci. Stick with them for at least three miles. If you can make it to four that way, do that. If you can then run the back nine miles as your long run, do that. Run those nine miles comfortably. DO NOT get caught up in the running race frenzy.
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Me, Nanci, and Caroline. |
When I met up with Nanci and Caroline in the dark it was a bit chilly. I held on to my gear check bag and sweater as long as I could. Before the three of us started, we discussed our goals and all agreed that when we had to separate, we would. PRO TIP: This is something every runner should discuss with their running partners at the start of a race and if possible, long runs. It just makes sense. This way, no one’s feelings get hurt if you decide to speed up or stop eleventy thousand times for photos.
I have to say that this was the farthest back in a race I’ve ever started. I mean we were the some of the very last people to go under the start line and it was surprisingly nice. I didn’t have pre-race jitters and PC’s (poopy cramps) and I was just looking forward to having fun and getting that sweet medal. In full disclosure, yes, it is hard to run a slower pace because of set back or injury, we all know this, but it’s all a part of running. You take the good with the bad. And sometimes the “bad” ends up being more fun than racing your brains out and missing seeing the course and cheering others on.
Oh and I almost forgot! Before we started we met some really nice older women who gave us big glittery shamrocks that they were sticking on craft safety pins. It was like Martha Stewart ish right there at the start line. Loved it!
The three of us got running and stopped to take photos as the various mile markers. I think Nanci left us around mile one or two because we stopped to potty and she was well on her way to a PR. Congrats lady! This left Caroline and I to chat and run/walk our way through the race. We stopped to take photos (well Caroline took photos that I stole borrowed) of the mile markers and she got some great shots of the skyline on the bridge. It was beautiful.
The mile markers had signs under them that said “Normal.” I didn’t realize what that meant until someone (possibly the SO) mentioned that it was race conditions. This of course led me and Caroline to make some Young Frankenstein jokes (AB NORMAL. ABBY NORMAL.)
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Pretty accurate. |
As we approached mile three I was having such a good time that I didn’t want to run just yet. I kept with Caroline for one more miles and as we saw the four mile marker we snapped a goodbye pic and bid each other adieu.
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Bye Caroline! |
Here’s where I was a bit iffy on the plan. I knew I wanted to try to run at least six miles. I knew I could do that from the previous weekend’s long run. I just didn’t know if I could do more than that safely. I started running slowly and the miles from four to eight ticked by fairly quickly. I saw Nanci at some point and I knew she would PR. She looked so strong and I cheered her on.
I hit my mile six at the race’s mile ten. I felt fine. I wasn’t running too fast and the weather was still nice. I told myself there was just a 5K to go and to ran how I feel. I believe I was somewhere in the 9:30’s and 10:00’s for this part of the run. I chatted with some people, saw the SO flying by, and just genuinely enjoyed my run.
As I got to the finish line I was happy I had stuck to my plan because, while I was sore, nothing was really hurting and I got that kickass dolphin medal which started this whole thing. Caroline and I even saw dolphins going over the bridge!
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This thing is HUGE. TWSS. |
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My Outfit: Fifty Shades of Green, |
All in all, I had a blast and am so glad I did this race. I got in a great long run, got to spend time with blogging buds, and I got to sorta see the SO get a HUGE half marathon PR of 1:31:46. Congrats Nick!
Sarasota put on a great race and we really enjoyed it. These local races just keep getting better and better and I can’t wait to do more. Oh and for the record my time was 2:28:09. Thanks again to my blogger friends! Congrats to all the runners and thanks to the volunteers!
Happy Monday! Who raced this weekend? Who drank too much green beer?
I am loving the race bling! And very very nice time!!
Looks like you had a fun time Beth!! Love that you took a no srs biz approach to this race and got to enjoy it! It looked like a beautiful morning down there. And congrats to Nick – DAMN!
You are funny! I love Young Frankenstein! Congrats on getting through it.
You did great. You stuck with the plan and even ended up with a few more miles than you thought. I had an awesome time hanging out with you and the SO for breakfast. Thank you for that.
Cool! Good, local, and with friends is the best kind of race you can have. Fast is good too, but friends are better.
You had me really scared there for a minute that you were injured with that ab soreness lead up! Gasp!!! So glad you took this easy and ended up all smiles and happy!
Looks like a great race! Those medals are insane. Glad you stuck to your plan and had a great time!
Great job Beth! When you passed me and told me to keep up my pace, I could finish under 3, it really pumped me up to keep going. So thank you for that. So glad the 3 of us started together.
Love your green!!!
I really, really love that race. It's kinda been torturous to read all of these great recaps of it – but I'm happy to hear they put on such a great race AGAIN!
I'm so sad I didn't see you at the race! I wasn't sure what your plan was, but I was looking for Caroline when we were heading back up the bridge the second time. I must have just missed you guys! I agree it was a fun race and a great one to take easy, especially since the weather was so nice. Congrats on sticking with your plan!
Sticking to the plan earns you some Jamoosh Kudos (JK's for short).
Woohoo! I am SO proud you stuck to your plan. And you did it without the pace police. 🙂 The medal is totally worth it!
that looked like so much fun!! Congrats!
yay fun blogger runs 🙂 sorry to hear about your abs. ouch. mine will hurt whenever i can remotely do a crunch again. oddly enough my glute hurts when i do ab work… go figure. it's like i'm destined to be fat!
congrats to the SO and to you for sticking to the plan.