Um, yeah. I’ve been a total slacker this week. I’ve slacked on the blog (SEE: missing Thankful Thursday post) and I’ve slacked on the running and swimming and let’s not even talk about the biking. Dolly is looking dusty.

Work has been so bananas that I haven’t taken a lunch break in the past two days and on Wednesday AM when my alarm went off I almost laughed out loud at the thought of getting up. And instead of working out after work I got a hair cut and ate Burger King.

I am sure it has to do with the post vacation lazies and the crazy work load this week but in addition to my lack of getting my workouts in, I also keep eating junk. I had Burger King in the middle of the week for cyring out loud. I usually save the fast food cravings for days that I’ve actually worked out.

Thus far I ran on Tuesday AM and Thursday AM. I’ll hopefully get to swim this evening, barring any rain and I’ll at least get my long run in tomorrow. I know that I need to be getting in more mileage and keep up my base before Miami training kicks in. I also know that I need to put the reigns on the craptacular eating binge I’ve been on.


I’m giving myself this week to be a sloth and next week I’ll be back to the grind. I know that I am hard on myself but come race days being my own toughest critic will be worth it.

I’m sorry I missed some of your blogs and am hoping to catch up on them this weekend. Happy Friday peeps. If you are racing – light it up!