I shamelessly stole this post idea from Laura over at Catching my Breath. Homegirl is an amazing runner and her blog is also awesome (hence the stealing). Head over and say Hi! Right after you read this.
Since I’m nearing my next marathon and having a weird running week, I’ve been thinking about my last marathon, the ING Miami Marathon of January 2012 (AKA The Marathon That Crushed My Soul). I went back and read my post and although I made my peace with the day, there are still lingering pangs of how great my training was and how shit the race went.
In my heart, I felt ready for a BQ. I hadn’t started with BQ thoughts when I first began running but as I got stronger, I felt I could run a 3:35. I knew it wouldn’t be easy and it definitely took a ton of training. I was super dedicated and barely missed a run.
Well, if you read that post, you’d know that day didn’t go as planned. Even though, I really, truly felt trained, I guess I should have realized that I was trained for a 3:35 in perfect conditions. I wasn’t running 7 minute miles or anything so I needed colder temps than I was given. I always feel weird saying the heat got me because I hate excuses, but the heat, more so the humidity, got me.
With Miami lingering in the back of my mind I’m not really worried about having a bad day. Not because I don’t think it could happen, it very well could, but because when I read that post, I’m reminded of how much I laughed and smiled through all of that pain. I walked. I jogged. I jalked. But, I also smiled and sucked it up and finished my sixth marathon.
Lord knows I don’t have the burning desire to BQ this go round, nor do I have the fitness right now, but I’m ok with all of this. Ultimately, in reading that post I realized there will always be shit races and shit days. I can’t stop them, I can’t predict them, but what I can do is deal with them. I’ll get to the Jacksonville Marathon finish line, goal time or not, and tell the Miami Marathon of 2012 to suck it.
Hey, just a few months after you did Miami, I barfed all over the sidewalks of Natick, MA in 90 degree heat and finished the marathon in a shameful 5:29, so believe me, I understand! I wish I was running Jax with you this year, but I just didn't rebound from IMFL as quickly as I'd hoped. Maybe next year! I want revenge too.
Beautiful. Soul crushing I totally get. Thank you for making me feel not so alone!!
Oh god. That race. So freaking hot and humid. I was injured going into it and had no expectations.
You still did wonderful given the circumstances.
I had another friend that did this race and was miserable as well!
That race was a crapfest for all of us. At least we had some good meetups leading up to the race! 🙂
I jalked…haha!!!! NYC was a good experience but yes I had my heart set on something more so it really did emotional ping me for a bit. now i'm realizing like you that I was trained for something perfect not huge crowds and headwinds.
I've heard 'wogged' but not 'jalked' – that part made me giggle.
I think the conditions are going to line up perfectly. It's going to be a great day. It will partially be so because we both had hot previous marathons and we deserve redemption. That. And the fact that your training is going so well. Don't let this crazy week get in your head.
1. thanks for the shoutout lady!
2. I hear Miami was god-awful this year, I know a few people who ran it and struggled.
3. You are going to seriously kick ass at Jax, no doubt in my mind. You have been training really well from what I see- and knowing that this will awesome redemption from your race earlier this year will help push you through when the going gets tough!
I like jalked. Never seen that one before! LOL
You have a great attitude about it!
Soul crushing? Part of the game and temporary only. It's what lessons you take from the adventure.
Did I ever tell you how proud I am of how you trained and how you put yourself out there on race day (regardless of the results)?