Thus today, I am thankful for the marathon expo.
Some folks have a “get in, and get out” mentality when it comes to the expo. But not me. I’m a shopper. I love walking the expo and looking at the cool stuff. In fact, when I got home from DC and checked my bank account I wondered if I had purchased a new car. Yikes!
Rather than cram all of these neat new items into one post I’m going to spread them out so they can each get the attention they deserve. I’ll start with Arctic Ease. This is a really freakin’ cool product. If you click on the link it’ll tell you about this is a cryotherapy wrap that you don’t need to refrigerate. They were just handing out samples at the expo and I grabbed a few. Folks walking around the expo were buzzing about them. It was like the most popular girl in school, without the reputation…ha ha.
After MCM on Sunday as I hobbled toward the Metro there was the Arctic Ease tent like a desert oasis. And guess what? They were wrapping runners up for free wherever they hurt. I actually asked if they could do my whole body like a mummy but the guy just laughed. I guess he thought I was joking.
What are you thankful for today?
I'm old school and thankful for my ice-bag and Ace bandage!
I love Marathon Expos! Thanks for sharing. There are so many people in blog land that have talked about the MCM…I might have to look into it for next year. I'm thankful for kinesio tape for my torn hammy and for running blogs that inspire and motivate me! And thankful for spending the weekend in Napa with my college girlfriends before I turn 32.
Bring some to Ragnar! 🙂
Gotta try that stuff, there is a buzz going around about it!
I'm thankfully for weekends with nothing to do 😉
Enjoy your Thursday 😉
I got one of those at the Chicago expo. I, of course, didn't read the directions and popped it in the freezer. *I am a loser sigh* Any who later, once I ruined it, I took the time to read the directions and it sounded like a neat project. I am hoping to pick some up soon and give them another shot.
BTW, Congrats on MCM!!! I endured mega IT pain during Chicago too. You deserve an extra medal just for trooping it along with the pain.
I agree I LOVE going to expo's!!!!!! I am thankful for them because they are AWESOME!!!
sounds like my kind of product!
Great post very interesting…
I love wandering around expos, too. It's so fun to look at all of the different products, upcoming races, etc.
I like walking the expo also during a race.
Lately I am thankful for Udo's Oil. I am still testing it out, but so far it seems to be drastically cutting down my recovery time after long runs. Lovin' it!