Well it’s Thursday again peeps and it’s time for the thanking. Today’s edition will be in …drum roll please… LIST FORM! It seems I have much to be thankful for today. Thus, a list is needed.
Today, I am thankful for:
1. Lloyd releasing his death grip on the keyboard so I can have my blog back.
2. Although I still have a wonky ankle, it seems to be healing.
3. Having THE most supportive running friends on the PLANET. That means you, you, and all of you.
4. Kanye West lyrics. “All the mocha lattes, you gotta do Pilates.” “You know how long I’ve been on ya? Since Prince was on Appollonia.” “She got an ass that’ll swallow up a g-string. And up top, unh, two bee stings.”
5. Bananas. (Do with that what you will.)
6. My roommate. He really is a great friend. Yesterday he made up the new word “fricky fracky.” For some reason this was super funny to us (no we weren’t drunk) and we used it in every sentence we could. For example: “What the fricky fracky is up with that girl’s hair?” or “Fricky fracky, it’s cold in here!”
7. Free movie tickets from my step mom to see Whiteout with her next week. It could totally suck, but hey, if it’s free it’s for me!
8. The word sexting. It’s hilarious. Only in 2009 folks, only in 2009.
9. The Splash Award I received from the lovely Cassi at High Heels & Huntin’ Boots. Her blog is quite entertaining and very charming. Gotta love a girl who likes both heels and huntin’ boots!(I am supposed to tag 9 blogs that allure, impress, bewitch or amuse and if you’ll look to the right you can find waaaay more than 9. Click away and be allured, impressed, bewitched, and amused.)
What are you thankful for today? (List form is acceptable in the comments, why should I have all the fun?)
great blog. You are already up to 117 followers too, crazy! Just a few thoughts (I also enjoy lists):
1. I would not want to mess with Lloyd, you are lucky the attack dog let you have the keyboard back.
2. Kanye West is dope: What the fuck you think I rap for, to push a Rav4?
3. Bananas can act as a mood enhancer (http://thetaoofgoodhealth.com/6-awesome-health-benefits-of-bananas-9/)
4. If you google "fricky fracky" you are the second webpage. You should really work this word into more blogs and overtake the #1 spot.
5. Sexting is funny, but the sad part is UK is beating us in teenagers sending sexual photos, once again we (USA) need to be #1
6. the Gators are a 63 point favorite, should be a barn burner this Saturday.
I love you boo. Wonky ankle will be back to normal before you know it! Keep on *xtraining*!!!
Thankful for the great sexting I had last night. 🙂
Thankful for bewitching blogs 😉
Great list! I laughed out loud more than once.
* Shreddies with sugar reminding me of my childhood
* Bloggers (LIKE YOU) who make me smile
* Cool September days
Hi! Just stumbled across your blog. Your thankful thur are TOO funny! I guess I can add a couple:
1) YOUR use of the word "wonky"– I may be stealing that in the future
2) NAPS!
3) Fun runner bloggers to share the moments that NOBODY else seems to understand.
GREAT list. I hope that your Wonky ankles gets better soon..
Go Gators!! Chomp, Chomp! I am headed to the Bucs last Preseason game with all of my boys tomorrow night!! BTW, love free stuff too – that is why I am headed to see the Bucs, free tix and free parking, why not???
Love the phrase "fricky fracky", definately sounds like something I could say on a regular basis!
Hope the ankle gets better soon and you are back to running like crazy!!
I am thankful I now have that Kanyan West song in my head….I am thankful for running buds today! 🙂
I'm thankful you left a comment on my blog. And that maybe with a little encouragement you'll make a 13.1 cameo appearance at Halloween Halfathon.
I am thankful that I am cracking up right now bc of you. ("Only in 2009 folks, Only in 2009.)Hope you enjoy your Thankful Thursday and enjoy your Fabulous Friday!
thankful for stuff, because stuff is awesome. I'm also thankful for great blogs like yours.
I'm thankful that today is my virtual Friday! Yay
Kanye's lyrics always good for a laugh. I'm thankful that tomorrow is Friday.
That sucks that your ankle is still wonks, but at least your spirit is still up. 🙂 You're pretty freakin' hilarious, and I'm thankful that I found your blog amidst the running bloggerverse. 🙂 Rock on!
I am thankful for the aquarium. It wore the dude out!
In reference to #10, GO VOLS!!!
I hope that ankle is healing up nicely. That really stinks! And today I'm thankful for your very humorous writings. Fricky fracky and wonky are pretty great words that may become mainstream thanks to you.
I love fricky fracky! I'm going to add that to my dictionary of made up words, but of course give you and your roomie credit. 🙂 Thanks!
our house is sure thankful for the return of football too!
I love that football season is here!! I used to LOVE the gators and I have never even lived in FL! Shhh don't tell anyone!!! 🙂
what the fricky fracky is up with the wonky ankle?
(just had to type that out…it sounds funny…LOL)
don't act like I never told ya…
(now it's stuck in my head, lol)
Gotta love Kanye. I'm thankful for… 1. Free Lunches 2. Ice Cream 3. 30 Rock/ Tina Fey 3. Tomorrow is Friday 4. My "Enter" key isn't working, but I'm VERY thankful for my laptop.
I think #2 is my favorite – in full support of ankle healing!
Thankful for Thursday: Having a super busy day at work (open to close) so that I was always on the go and not just sitting around. There's no much that's more fun than just hanging out with runners all day, talking about running!
B.o.B., you are hilarious! This blog made me laugh out loud several times!
I'm thankful for your positive attitude through this injury. You could be all cranky about it (and everyone would understand), but instead you're being patient, waiting for the ankle to heal, and in the meantime making everyone else laugh.
I don't know how the fricky fracky you do it!
I am also thankful for running buds, especially Nora's inspirational posts on FB when we all need them, vacations, naps, sunsets, and Endurox, my crack drink for after a run!
I love Kayne West's lyrics, he is the inspiration for many of my runs!! It's actually Friday, not thankful Thursday, but I am thankful for the 3 day weekend ahead of us!
B.o.B – I need you to remember one thing this football season – U.S.C. – and no – not that knock off in South Carolina…..