Happy Thursday peeps! I’m happy to say that I had a lovely holiday, despite suffering from the black lung. I coughed and coughed some more and yet the doctor gave me nothing but a dumb cough syrup while he took my co-pay. I am finally feeling better and no longer sound like a three-pack-a-day smoker.
On a non-phlegmy note, I did get in all of my workouts over the weekend and then some. And since KC and Summer threw down the DWYLLC, I had no option but to attempt it this week. I have a lot of runs ahead of me and when I ramp up for Miami, I doubt I will be able to squeeze in five trips with Dolly. I’ve gotten three of the five rides in thus far. Keep your fingers crossed that I can get in my final two!
Now on to what you really came over here for, the give away!
Since I’m not a male, even with a name like B.o.B., I only have lady stuff to give away. Many apologies to all my doods.
Anywho, Champion recently sent me some sweet samples from their new Ecoâ„¢ line. This line is made “with fibers from recycled plastic materials – so with each purchase, you will be helping Champion to keep nearly 5 million plastic bottles out of landfills.” If you are like me, when you hear “eco” for a clothing line you start picturing a product that feels like burlap and can be rolled up and smoked. But just trust me on this, it’s super soft and not smoke-able. Heh.
They were kind enough to send me a hoodie, a crew neck sweatshirt, and some really soft sweatpants. And bonus on the sweatpants for not being all elastic around the ankles. Member those? Hahah.
The hoodie is absolutely delicious and I think the crew neck would be perfect as a post-run warm up/eat your breakfast in top. And obviously, the sweatpants are a must for the upcoming Fall and Winter seasons.
This is my version of the Blue Steel.*
I’m so happy in my crew neck!
The sweatpants you can look at HERE. I got so tired after all my modeling and didn’t want to model them. Modeling is like, totally exhausting, OK?
Today, I’m super thankful for this awesome give away! I heart Champion.
Want to win the hoodie, crew neck, AND sweatpants?** Go “like” Champion on Facebook HERE or go follow them on Twitter HERE. Let me know you’ve done 1 of these things and tell me what you are thankful for today. I’ll post the winner next Tuesday.
*Blue Steel does not come with hoodie. Sorry.
**All three items are size small.
i'm down with recyclables. and this could qualify as work wear in my book. i am now stalking them via twitter.
oh, and modeling is so hard because you can't eat and therefore have no energy.
I like them on FB! I am thankful this month is my husbands and my sons birthday I get to make and eat cake twice, and it is my niece and nephews b-day month so more cake times 2. Yay for cake!
I FB Like 'em.
I'm thankful for some slightly less pain in my heel…that is still driving me nuts though….
Liked Champion on FB….. So thankful for fall coming and pumpkin everything!!
I liked them on FB and follow on Twitter! Love me some Champion gear – all my running shorts are Champion!
I'm thankful for my husband doing his first EVER triathlon tonight!! I'm racing too to help him through it -can't wait!
I'm thankful for my new running group and that you're feeling better! hee hee!
I'll facebook when I get home from work!
Like them on FB. LOVE me some Champion gear! SOOOO glad you are feeling better. Hope all that modeling work doesn't throw you into a relapse. 🙂
I liked Champion on fb.
I am thankful for a supportive boyfriend that lives 3.5 hours away and being part of a running club in my new city. Not only am I grateful for the new friends but also it gets me out of the house at least once a day! 🙂
Facebook Liked!
Today I am thankful that Saturday (aka my long run day) is almost here. I feel like I've just recently turned a huge corner in my running, both mentally and physically. Yay!
I liked Champion on FB and am following them on twitter.
I am thankful today for running great on my race on the 4th, that my anniversary is tomorrow (as well as my niece's birthday), my other niece birthday on the 10th, my mom's birthday on the 11th, that my mom and aunt are arriving on the 15th, and that I get to run my first marathon with so much family support on the 18th. Is is okay I was thankful for so much today?
Just liked them on FB!
Thankful for Crazy Runner Friends
I liked Champion on FB. I am thankful for all my new BRA running friends 🙂 They are so encouraging and fun!!!
Kristen S
FB liked. I am thankful for my puppies. They don't care that I had a bad day at work, they just want to snuggle.
They won't let me wear my hoodie and sunglasses at the bank, I don't get it??? I'm thankful I'm not SICK!
I liked on FB. Thankful I can go to school, work and run with awesome support from family and friends.
I liked them on FB. I am thankful for making it through my marathon training this summer without any injuries!
I like them on FB, and I am thankful for the rain to supposedly stop before my half marathon on Sunday!!!! FINGERS CROSSED SO SICK OF RAIN! I think the hoodlie or sweatpants would be perfect either in the rain or hiding inside from rain 😉
I'm thankful that I wear a size small so i can wear the hoodie, sweatpants and top. I "like" Champion on Facebook. I also "like" Discom-BOB-ulated running on Facebook. Does that get me any perks?
I follow them on Twitter! @ wealths_health
Since it is September 11, I think it is highly appropriate to say that I am extremely thankful for my freedom and safety!
Cute! I liked them on FB. I'm thankful for lazy Sunday mornings.