I couldn’t get to my blog yesterday. I was a busy bee at the office and went promptly to track after work. Then I had a most hilarious post track dinner with my running group (the BRA). We went to a new-ish place that a couple of us had only gone to once before. I suggested it. Unfortunately, it was karaoke night and we had to shout over bad versions of Barry Manilow. It was hysterical and I’m pretty sure I never get to pick the restaurant again.
So that is why I missed Thankful Thursday. In any event, I figure I can be just as thankful on Friday as I am Thursday so here go.
This may come as a shock to some of you, but I’m not naturally athletic. Nope. I actually have to work very hard at stuff. I’ve always liked to run. I ran track in junior high (what they now call middle school). I always played kickball during phys ed and I dabbled in basketball. Or should I say dribbled? Ha Ha. Then, of course, I found swimming. I loved it.
Along the way I needed a lot of help with these activities. Not being a natural athlete, I had to rely on these awesome people called coaches. I’m sure we’ve all had some coaching one point or another in our lives. These people often love sports and kids are usually there to help us. Granted some of them get a little too involved with wanting us to win, but fortunately I never had a bad coach.
My favorite coach was actually my track coach in middle school. She also happened to coach the girl’s basketball team that I took a stab at. While I was no where near as good as the girls who started during the games, I was pretty good at track. She knew this and helped me focus on track and just have fun at basketball. She was always there to listen and never made me feel bad when I was having an off day.
Currently, I have several “coaches”. Coaches EK, Tom, and V are all certified running coaches and have tons of knowledge. Coach EK made my training plan for Gasparilla and that race could not have gone better. I have a couple of friends in the group who have become my unofficial tri coaches and I can’t express how helpful they’ve been during this transition to the tri. (Thank you Navy Steve!)
So, today, I am thankful for coaches.
Since it’s Friday and I’m mixing it up already, tell me, who was your favorite coach?
TGIF and have a great holiday weekend everyone.
I've learned something from every coach I have ever had. Some good – some not so good.
Coach JD taught me to how to "run" a running group. He was our track head coach. Fair, fun, but firm.
Coach RS taught me to push myself beyond what I thought I could do. And that running with your athletes is a great way to keep an eye on them.
Coach RW gave me confidence to achieve my goals.
That's just a few of the many.
Enjoy having one! Over a yr and I'm still on my own. 🙂
In high school, I played football. I was the only girl on the team. So when I was on my period, it was hard to express exactly *why* I didn't feel awesome. But one time, on a game day, my coach asked me why I seemed so down. And I told him he had menstrual cramps. "Oh," he said. But then he was very understanding. He told me not to suit up, if I wasn't feeling well (I was a freshman, and wasn't going to be playing any downs in a varsity game anyway). So that was good.
I haven't been coached since college, but I've been coaching since then. It's kind of lonely, honestly. I miss having someone else to tell me what to do.
I've had a ton of coaches – some good, some bad – but none really stand out as particularly special. My hubbs on the other hand, my running sherpa/cheerleader/sudo-coach, is pretty dang awesome – so today, I'm thankful for him 🙂
Enjoy your 4th girlie!!
Ah, great question. In high school the boys basketball coach was basically my favorite person. A friend and I were basketball managers to help him out with all of the coaching work and between junior and senior year I had him for 5 classes. He's a lot of the reason why I'm an engineer today, and it's always fun to get Christmas cards still!
My first coach was in 3rd grade– he got me started running 5K's. I didn't run all the way through high school but it helped me in other sports and started this ridiculous marathon obsession!
Happy Friday– Have a wonderful weekend!
Wow – this is a tough question. I was on many football, baseball, and basketball teams before 9th grade. None stand out, although I kind of remember my 7th-8th grade football coach being very good, as we went from 3rd place to winning the league over the course of the year – as a team.
In high school, I ran cross country for a year (did not like that coach).
I have had a good swimming coach more recently – Laura Ghilik! I miss her though!
Really – I was more of a band guy in high school – so my "coach" was probably Frank D. He was the band director and I learned lots from him. Of course he was a fairly young man himself at the time, but it was all good, and I learned lots about leadership as the drum major in marching band from his coaching! Mr I was also a great "coach in Symphonic band.
I guess if you can remember their names, then they were either very good or very bad coaches!
I alwsys strive to be a good mentor to others – I taught for 2 years in the Navy, which is like "coaching"!
Be thankful for your coaches and mentors! There is always something new to learn!