I love the blogosphere. It’s a wonderful place to share ideas and learn new tips. It’s also a great place to make new friends.

I had such an amazing trip when visiting Spike and Red and was jealous that they lived so close to so many awesome bloggers. I swear the Midwest blogging community is HUGE, especially the running/tri blogs.

One blogger I got to meet while up there was Jodi. Jodi was running the full at Cleveland and was so nervous. It would be her 2nd marathon if she finished, but her third marathon attempt. You see, her second marathon did not go well and she wound up in the hospital just shy of finishing. No wonder she was nervous this go round! But she finished Cleveland and I couldn’t be prouder!

I was surprised and very honored when she asked to do a runner spotlight on me for her Thumb’s Up Thursday. She does these runner spotlights and they are a delight to read and I hope mine is as entertaining as some of the others I have read.

Thus today, I’m thankful for Jodi. She’s a fellow blogger and an athlete with a heart of gold. She shows that sometimes in order to overcome your fears you must face them head on.

Head on over HERE to read my spotlight and tell Jodi HELLO!

Happy Thursday, what are you thankful for today?