As you all have noticed by my whining, er I mean writing, I have been put on the injured list and am thus trying out all new, exciting forms of torture exercise.
I hadn’t heard of it either until one of the BRA members told me all about it. Then, Navy Steve lent me his aqua jogger belt. Basically you put the floaty-belt on (super hot, totally recommend it for picking up babes/chicks/hotties, etc.) head to the deep end and run until your little heart’s content.
(This is kind of how I look except I can’t find a group of people in Compton to join me.) While it is SUPER boring, I am thankful for it. It makes me feel as though I am still running. Thus today, I am thankful for aqua jogging. As a little side note, Deena Kastor trained quite a bit this way during an injury and went on to win the 2005 Chicago Marathon. Not that I am going to win the Marine Corps Marathon after a little aqua jogging, or intense training for that matter, but it does give one some hope of keeping up the cardio and endurance. You can see a lot of it during this very inspirational DVD, Spirit of the Marathon. What are you thankful for today?
I remember aqua-jogging from SotM. I tried it once but got SOOO bored. Kudos for sticking with it. It will definitely pay off when you can run again.
Happy Thursday! I'm thankful for hubs. It's our anniversary. 🙂
Great alternative and I LOVED that movie. Watched it before my first marathon and cried my eyes out with the family staring at me. I would love to try the aqua jogging sometime only because I know the belt would look hot and I could accessorize with some earrings and a scarf.
When I get there I simply MUST see this in action and try it out. 🙂
I am thankful for 7-11. It's always open, has a bathroom when I need one and the one I frequent has cashiers that always call me "gorgeous" when I'm clearly anything but and will hold my water for me so I can do laps around the lake without carrying it. Oh thank heaven for 7-11 indeed!
See you tomorrow boo! YAY!!!!!!!!!!
LOL! Must be an inspirational movie day … someone just loaned me Marathon man 🙂
Have the "spirit of the marathon" on my netflix list, have to watch "Supersize Me" first……The theme….no junk food, more running – trying to psych myself up to keep training!!
I am thankful for the 1.27 miles of "running" with my 9 year old last night! Communication has been a struggle for us lately and he asked to "run" with me last night. It took us 17:20 to complete 1.27 miles and he ran about 7 minutes of it…..not too bad for his first try, but most importantly we talked and I told him I was proud… and we weren't arguing for once!!
I am thankful for not arguing with my 9 year old for one day!! Yay!!
haha too funny. i picked up an aqua jogger box at work last night (our only one) and was like uhh? for real? what is this?
I loved Spirit of the Marathon! If it's good enough for Deena it's good enough for me. Maybe you can start an aqua jogging group;)
I've read some great articles about Aqua Jogging and if you can't run due to injury it's a great way to recover. If memory serves, Deena was actually running on a water treadmill so if you've got an extra $40,000.00 laying around you should buy one of those 😉
Knowing what it's like to deal with injuries (over and over and over) I certainly feel for you and I hope you're back to 100% sooner than later.
All the best!
I've tried aqua jogging once… and aqua weights… good times! ha! Keep it up girl!
I think that sounds pretty dang cool, actually… I'd never heard of it before. You're definitely not letting that dang injury get you down!! 🙂
I'm glad you can still keep sane with some sort of 'running.' 🙂
I am THANKFUL for adorable people who quote Lord of the Rings on my Blog and make me SMILE!! Hello I call one of my running hill Mount Doom, Lord of the Rings fan here..
OK the really weird thing is the treadmill under the water, now that would be SWEET!! I used the aqua jogger for cross-training for basketball in college…it is one tough full body work-out..
I used to aqua jog in college when I had some place to go that night and didn't want to get my hair wet. :o)
I am thankful for my awesome wife!
BTW – am I considered a "babe" or a "hottie"…
I thankful that I don't own an aqua-jogger! Who owns an aqua-jogger and can lend it out?
I'm thankful I am done with my hilly run today, because it blowed.
I think the biking is a great way to keep up the cardio, but the aqua-jogging is a great way to keep up the good relations with your Compton neighbors … just wait till they mock you. They will, "white trash" have developed this quality as a survival skill.
i have not tried aqua jogging but it should be great for the keens and joints. I am thankful I have my life and health.
I'm thankful for not having to do aqua jogging 😉
Although, on a serious note, I'm injury free right now – my knee finally stopped hurting after I busted it by falling of my bike almost half a year ago – FINALLY – so I'm happy and grateful.
My coach once suggested aqua jogging to me. I didn't do it because I didn't want my fat ass in a swimsuit, but I have heard that it is a great workout!
I am thankful that I only have 4 more hours of work today.
I'm thankful that I know a shark horn exists and that I can steal it.
I'm also thankful for heated pools.
I am thankful for my awesome blog buddies, who stop by and leave inspiring and confidence-boosting comments 🙂
I'm thankful for other runner girls. All of them inspire me in their own way. I know it's corny, but it's true.
I'm also thankful dark chocolate. Did you know that if it has 70% cacao or higher it's considered a health food? And it's amazingly delicious. 🙂
I'm so out of it blogwise – I can't believe you're injured! NO! Good on you with the aqua jogging. Can't wait till you win the Marine Corps marathon (isn't that the one Oprah did?).
I keep meaning to order that dvd. In fact I think I will now 🙂
I am thankful that it is Thursday and that it is Kashi pizza night and I don't have to cook!
that's cool! I don't like to run because I don't love the area that I live in, but this I could do…maybe:)
I'm thankful that I actually love my job right now (for the most part) and that I'm actually looking forward to seeing my kids tomorrow! And also, I'm thankful for the imagery of you aqua-jogging while people look at you like you have 22 heads. I get that look sometimes here when I'm just regular jogging. 🙂
So I've been away for a week and what do I come back to? Man, the world is falling apart!
What have you managed to do to yourself?Nothing serious I hope. Take it easy and give yourself some rest time to get better. Oh yeah – maybe I'll read some more and answer my own question….
And thanks for the cool comments the past couple of days.
P.S. I'm listening to the Mothership has Landed DVD right now…
i tried aqua jogging once, got bored, so started swimming laps instead… and now i'm hooked on triathlon. So in a sick twisted way, I'm thankful for my injury? Oh, and my son. Today I'm especially thankful for him for coloring my world… it's been an especially sad, difficult week.
i might be more like mel… give up on aquajogging for swimming laps. swimming wipes me out, does aquajogging make you feel tired at all? i need that tired feeling, for some reason.
i'm thankful that it's friday and i get to go home today. 🙂
uhh yeahhh, my aqua jogger (yeah i own one) looks exactly like that. and i feel embarrased to go do it, which is prolly why i haven't. but i'm inspired now, let the injured water jog! 😉
I can't wait for my service marathons so I can thank the person who gives me my medal for their service to the country. The USAF marathon is in two weekends and Air Force officers give out the medals. And of course, I'll be chugging in the Marine Corps marathon and get my medal from a US Marine.