There are some days that I just wake up and want some. All day long I think about it. There are days that I fight wanting it because I can’t have it right then and there. I know most, if not all of you think about it too. And women think about it far more than we like to admit. And yes it can be very bad, but it can also be so…so…good.
You can have it with someone special or by yourself. It’s good that way too. Heck, sometimes it’s better by yourself. You can just sit back and really enjoy it.
It can be fun when it’s hot or cold and I even like it in a car on a road trip. Or after a long, hard run.**
Mmmm…and that’s why I’m thankful for it today.
Don’t you just love chocolate?*
What did you think I meant sickos?
What are you thankful for today?
*I’m down with Kitkats, Reese’s, and Three Musketeers but I won’t pass up a Hershey’s square in a pinch. I’m not an all the time choco-fiend, but on days like yesterday when I felt like my head would explode I got myself to the CVS and almost went blind…..
**Speaking of running I got an x-ray on my shin but haven’t heard anything back yet. Hopefully no news is good news and it’s feeling A-OK today. Woot!
Oh yeah, I know that feeling!!
Hope your shin continues to feel good!
Did not know that chocolate can heal shin splints. Is there anything that chocolate CAN'T fix?
Great clip from a classic movie. The barbershop scenes still make me laugh every time.
Hope all is well with your shin. Today I'm thankful for ibuprofen … maybe not a good sign at 7:53 AM.
Seriously you crack me up!!! Love chocolate!!! And I think I am raising a mini chocoholic too!
(snorting chuckles…)
I am not a choco-holic but give me a chocolate bar with fruit and nuts…LOVE!
Chocolate!! HAHA!!!!!!!! Hey no new is good news!!!!!
You wake up wanting some????? That's HARDCORE!
Fingers crossed on the xray!!
Cute post I needed the laugh this morning! I've never really been one to crave chocolate thankfully but I've got my own issues with chips and salsa, but that wouldn't lend itself well to this type of post… 🙂
I was eating a Dark Chocolate Almond bar while I read this. Once you go dark you never go back!
Hehe, this cracked me up! I'm glad I'm not the only one who wakes up with it on the brain 😉
I'm thankful that it was only 75 degrees out this morning when I had a puketastic workout to do!
I was thinking ice cream. But chocolate is uh-may-zing too.
Dark chocolate reese's PB cups #1, followed by PB Twix, then regular Twix, fan of Rolo's (remember those), toss in a 3 Musketeers, then a Snicker's Almond and regular, a plain hershey bar is always good too.
Lastly, I can always go for a York Peppermint Patty which isn't chocolate in the truest sense but that peppermint and chocolate covered coating are just like pb&j I say.
And as a matter of fact I just tossed a banana s'mores into the oven for myself. Care to know what that is? Go here:
I LOVE chocolate!! I can eat it every day, all day long! 🙂 I was at whole foods the other day and they were selling some Jason's Chocolate Peanut Butter cups (like reese's) and I couldn't pass them up. They were sooo good!
Sending healing vibes for your cranky shin and a box o'chocolates to you. What am I thankful for? That today is Friday eve, nuf said!
black boots
Chocolate boots
sand boots
Chestnut boots
gray boots
pink boots
grey boots
pink boots