For the record, anything below 65 is cold to me. Keep this in mind as winter is soon upon us. I know you all look forward to my whining.
Don’t get me wrong. I liked our little 2 mile run on Saturday and REALLY enjoyed my 4 mile “pace” session during the Chicago Marathon because of the coolness. But other than that the cold can suck it.
Speedy Jess’ friend L picked us up from the airport and had this in the back seat of her car.
“What the crap is this?” I asked in my native Floridian accent. (Yeah, Floridians don’t really have accents, but just go with me here.)
L let me know that you put it on your hand like a mitten and it keeps your hand warm when you are scraping the ice off of your windshield. Whoa. That is some heavy duty ice scraping action right there. I admit that last winter I had to scrape some ice off of my windshield and I was not a happy camper.
I used a CD.
It also only happened maybe two or three times. I still have that CD on deck for this season.
Today, I am thankful that I don’t need to own one of these.*
*This is certainly a neat device if you live in cold climates, I hate the cold and thus am happy to not need one. I am not hatin’, oh wait yes I am. Suck it cold!
What are you thankful for today?
That is one nifty device! I could use one of those. We've had several frosty mornings already and it's only OCTOBER!
And yet… I'm thankful that I don't live in FL. In the winter it would be awesome, but I would literally die in your summer heat. 😉
Girl, I HATE cold weather too. I'm with you – anything under 60 is cold. I've been running in the 50 temps here – in shorts – LOL. I usually stop running in the winter because I'm a wuss. But, that ice scraper.. Yeah, I usually use my debit card or drivers license! LOL When I was a teenager, I had this nifty stuff in a can that de-iced your windshield… I need to go look for more of that stuff.
I'm thankful that even though I live in CO where the winters can be brutal I have a garage so I don't have to use one of those funky things that looks like a retarded oven mitt.
Damn – you look so hot holding that ice scraper!
Hmmmm. I just got an idea of a something I could get for my kids. They have to park cars outside and scrape. I park in the garage.
Oh you funny girl! Where's my photo credit?! Ha ha! I can't relate because I totally dig the cold! It is great for running! And I can't wait to go out West in six weeks to play in the snow! Today, I am thankful for the West. And cowboys. 😉
Hahaha. Too funny. Where I grew up it got to -50 C. No idea what that is F, but I'm pretty sure it's close to 0. VERY cold.
Then I moved south and now live in a place that got up to 43 C all summer (110 F) and HATED it. I need my happy medium, I would love to live in a place that was somewhere between 10 C and 25 C (50 and 77 F) ALL YEAR ROUND!
Hell yeah suck it cold!!!! I helped a friend move to Minnesota once the first week of November. There was already snow on the ground, the lakes were freezing and I learned that duct tape does NOT work well when it's 6 degrees! Those people are out of their minds for living up there! I like it HOT! LOL
Yes, those are handy little devices and you should be thankful that you don't need one! I needed to use one this morning. 🙁
You should be extremely thankful you don't have use one of those and that you don't have to live at a house without a garage and get to use one almost daily–I think thats why the invented remote start! 😉
Hahaha… what a great thing to be thankful for!! Being from TX, I've never even SEEN one of those things. And I'm quite thankful I don't have to use it either. 🙂
Don't get all upset B.o.B. but I am thankful I don't live in FL! We just had an early winter storm come through here in NorCal (I hear it made the Today show) that was cold, wet and WINDY! Now the past two days we are left with humidity! What? This is NorCal! There is not humidity in NorCal! That 65% humidity forced me to run on my dreadmill. Seriously, I pay way too much in property taxes to have humidty!
BTW, we don't get snow either, so I am grateful I don't need "one of those retarded oven mits" (thanks SUR)!
Happy Thursday! :_
Can I be cliche and say that I'm thankful for my legs? They did a good job at my last race this past weekend, and I'm just so happy!
Anything below 40 is illegal in my opinion!
ugggh, we used credit cards and were totally not prepared for the unexpected snow last year!
I agree…very nifty device…
It's windy, rainy and cold in NY right now…bring back the summer! Where's fall?
I need to move down to Florida and with the B.O.B….
a CD? How did that work– you're lucky it didn't snap and cut you. Sorry, don't mean to poke fun– but as a northerner– that is pretty funny!
A CD? That's awesome! I live in Texas and I've used a credit card to scrape unexpected ice before.
I'm thankful for a flexible work schedule. 3 day weekend ahead!
Amen sista!!! I am glad I don't ned one of those either!! I love me some 60 degree weather ( that was my FL accent) but that is about all for me, thanks!!!
So true!
It was one of y happiest moments, when I got rid of my car prior to moving to AZ, and left the ice scraper in the back seat. "oh it comes with the car, congrats." Joyous.
Oh man, I am not a fan of cold weather either. That is why I'm so flipping excited to be in Florida right now! 🙂 Once I experience a Florida winter, I may never be able to go back to NYC!
Hey. Here in Socal ice is something you put in your drink. *Maybe* once every other year we get one or two nights where the temps drop belo 32. For like 15 seconds. Okay maybe 30 seconds. We would be lost if it got cold enough here to require us to scrape ice from our windshields….
girl you are not lying! i'm good with 55-60 for running, 72 for regular life. i haaaate being cold.
Don't use a CD! Use an old credit card, or a spent giftcard from your wallet, that's what works best! or … buy an ice scraper from Autozone and stick it in your glovebox … you crack me up