The other night during my tempo run in a very cute little residential neighborhood I had an egg thrown at me. Yep. An actual egg was thrown at me by mental midgets. Or kids who just really have nothing better to do. (I am sorry to disappoint you Whitney Houston but I don’t believe the children are our future. If so we are in deep sh!t.)
Because I am so speedy (or they had really bad aim) they missed. I am sure they were on their way to feed the homeless or read to blind children and just happened to have a egg they wanted to give me. But then again, there is the distinct possibility that they were headed to the local Gas N Sip to get some 40’s.
I was running in between two sets of runners. The speedsters, Coach Tom and Coack EK, in front of me were just far enough to hear me cursing enough to make the Devil blush at these ne’er do wells and slowed to ask what happened. Once I explained they did the awesome nice guy chivalrous thing and decided to finish the run at my side.
Being the gentlemen they are, they let me set the pace and even told me that they “had me covered and protected like a condom.” I am a lucky gal to have my very own Trojan Men.
Thanks Coach Tom and Coach EK! You are real gentlemen and I appreciate the fact that you two know how to treat a lady. Even if said lady is cursing like a sailor and sweating like a pig.
What are you thankful for today?
I'm thankful the mental mudgets have bad aim… Don't want egg on that pretty face.
Dirty, dirty about the condom! What little shits though!! WTF is wrong with kids nowadays! I never wanted to throw eggs at innocent runners!! I'm glad you had your own Trojan Men to finish out your run! haha
Awww … great story.
Tell the gentlemen they get a big thumbs up 😉
I am thankful for posts like this that have me laughing my @$$ off. As Nicole stated, What in the world is wrong with kids now days? I was pretty destructive growing up, but not against other people. If my parents knew or suspected me of throwing eggs at innocent runners, I would have gotten my @$$ whipped (and it wasnt considered child abuse back then either). Thank goodness you had your own trojan men to protect you. Great and humorous post.
Very funny thing to have happen but I would of been pissed too! It sounds like something that some of my twelve year old neighbor kids would of done:) Thank goodness for some nice guy friends!
An EGG! Wtf?! Glad to hear it missed and that you had protection and good company!) for the remainder of your run.
Today I am thankful for HOT BEVERAGES. It's freaking freezing.
Some of us are thankful to know that some of you like it when we're chivalrous!
First of all, I am appalled. It never occurred to me when I was a kid to throw an egg at a passer-by. What is wrong with youth today????
Second of all, chivalry is alive and well, as long as you are talking about men over age 40. And you were. You'll be hard pressed to find two in their 30s, much less their 20s, who you could say the same about. Uggggggh. But maybe I am just a tad bitter and down on men today.
At any rate, I am really glad you had your Trojan men by your side to make you feel safe for the rest of your run!
I am thankful for the chickens we have in our backyard that lay tons of eggs. I thought it was an interval day and just wanted to make you go faster!
I am thankful that B.R.A. has Trojan Men, an IronMan, and a Capt Nut (aka The Smithendorf Files) to whoop some egg-throwin' a$$!! (and some speedy, cute ladies to serve as decoys)! 😉
"I don't believe the children are our future. If so we are in deep sh!t"
I've thought the same thing many times!!
Maybe it's a good thing that the little sh*ts play video games instead of something like baseball, otherwise they'd have better aim.
One time when me and my friends were walking home from the bar (which is obviously a lot different from being out for a run) teenagers in a car started following us and throwing eggs at us! They would actually circle the block and throw more eggs at us. It was ridiculous. We were running in our heels and hiding behind bushes and ducking down back alleys. Jeesh.
Anyways, kids are jerks.
And that condom comment is HILARIOUS.
People amaze me….I'm sorry girl! I am thankful you have people that run with you that will protect you from the craziness of the our future 😉 I'm with you girl–I don't know if I can bring kids into this nutso world!
Wow! An egg? Really? I have been hit by cars, yelled at by people, picked-up on all while running but never had an egg trown at me! Now that I said that though, you know some random egg is going to fall from the sky and frickin' hit me! Good times! Glad you had such manly men around you!
Have a great day!
I can't believe someone threw an egg at you! WTF? Good to know chivalry isn't dead.
I'm thankful for 20 degree temps today . . . it's like a heat wave! 🙂
OMG what little brats!!!!!! Dude, I would've totally turned around and chased some kids – since you had backup and all.
Unbelievable! (The kids not the chivalry) Props to the Trojan Men for protecting you the rest of the run!!! Seriously though… W.T.F?!?!?
P.S. While P-Funk was going down the list of Trojan Men and Ironman she should've said "and a Triathlete!" Just saying… 😉
What about that guy that ran the last mile with you?
AN EGG!? WTF! I can't believe that! BUT glad you were safe the rest of your run. 🙂
Hilarious!! Demon children!
WTF?! Funny though. :o)
Good to see you are running with protection (LoL).
I've been attacked by dogs, near miss with cars, close call with deer, road kill,…but never an egg. This has to be a first. Not funny at the time, I'm sure, but good to look back at and get a good laugh. Good post.
Oh see I would have turned around and went after them. They would be too scared to ever toss an egg at another runner! 🙂
Love the Trojan Men! Hilarious!
Trojan men! Ha!!!
omg an egg?!?!? how rude 🙁
And this wasn't even in Compton???
If it makes you feel better … giveaway on my blog again, I'm just sayin.
WHAT?! I woudl have been trying to hunt someone down
Yay for chivalry! Recently during a speed workout at the track it was crazy windy and around -4577422876 degrees. One of the nice guys left me draft behind him for a few 400's even though he is waaay faster than pokey me. Selfless I tell ya!
Dude! Were those delinquents wearing Ed Hardy shirts???? LOL…. Sorry to hear that happened to you. Stupid kids! Who throws an egg at a hot chick running down the road??? Props to Tom and EK!
Wow, can't believe that… an egg?! Glad you had some protection from the trojan man! LOL stay safe out there!
Always travel with eggs. That way you can do an egg-by and then run like h$%^
Whats up with those rotten teens…they need a good talking to! Glad you had some guys around to protect you! Have a good weekend.