I was thinking about this post today while I was showering off the sweat from my speed work this morning. P-Funk and I met up early to get The Plan’s scheduled 8 x 800’s in. We kicked ass. (Like how I worked in my awesomeness?) Anyway, while I was thinking of what I was thankful for today all the usual suspects popped into my mind. I am thankful for my health, family, friends, yadda, yadda, yadda. But what else?
Surprisingly, guess who showed up at my mind’s door screaming motivational messages?
Yes, folks I am thankful for Richard Simmons. I can remember watching my mom work out to his record, Reach. That’s right youngins it was a work-out vinyl record. How crazy is that? It was a record that came with an insert. It showed pictures of him demonstrating the exercises. This was 1983 so I was very small but something about Richard’s voice and messages always stuck with me.
I can also remember Sweatin’ to the Oldies with my mom in our living room. Well, she was sweating and I was just bouncing around her. As I got older I did some of the video tapes myself. I learned a lot of oldies that way.
The best thing about Richard is that he reaches out to the every-person, not just the fitness freaks. His videos always have normal looking people sweatin’ right along with him. He’s so inviting and fun. And he knows what he is talking about. I know he’s super campy and can be a bit much, but that is why I love him. He is also a big supporter of getting kids physically fit and not just through sports. Let’s face it, all of us are not natural born athletes. (Please don’t throw me the ball. Please don’t throw me the ball.)
This post is meant to be funny but I really do enjoy Richard. I think we could all learn a thing or two from him, even if it is only how amazing Swarovski crystal look on tank tops.
What are you thankful for today?
Great post! So true about Richard.
Today I'm thankful for orange pekoe tea! (I know, I'm deep.)
I freaking love, yes love, Richard Simmons. He seems so genuine and really seems to care about the people he is trying to help! No joke, I lost a tip at work the other day for Richard. Somehow he came up in general coversation, and one of my customers (i was bartending) started dissing on Richard Simmons, so I put that dude in his place, haha! I remember doing sweating to the oldies with my mom when I was little too!
PRICELESS!!!! Oh god… Richard Simmons… my mom and I always "sweated to the oldies" with him… Lord… thanks for bringing me back down memory lane girl! LOL!
I am thankful for my ice pack(s)!!!
i love me some richard simmons, he is seriously the happiest person EVER.
i'm just plain thankful for running today… maybe it's the warts talking, who knows. 😉
I am thankful for hookers…
I am Thankful today is Thursday, which is TRACK NIGHT – My FAVORITE workout night!!!
(Can you tell I am a little psyched??)
I totally agree. Since I started to run I am so impressed with all the people that are committed to making people healthier.
My first idea whey I read your post was of Gene Simmons. I could hardly imagine a bunch of housewives following a colorfully painted Kiss singer.
The picture makes me laugh. Talk about a character, but he has helped many people.
Yeah, my Mom's been known to bust a move to Richard and I might have joined in a time or two. Ah ha. I'm thankful for naptime. I think that is my blanket answer, but I'm REALLY grateful for it you see. Ah ha.
That is a great morning — wake up and do a speed workout! Not so sure I'd want to ruin that with a mental image of R Simmons Sweating to the Oldies. How about to Kiana?
Please don't throw me the ball – Ha, classic!
I'm thankful that speedwork isn't sucking right now…else I'd have nothing to talk about! Haha!
8 x 800s is a tough workout so the declaration of your awesomeness is justified. Just sayin'
I can only stand him when he's with David Letterman. Those two are AWESOME together.
I remember working out to Richard Simmons when I was a kid (with my mom). I love him. He may be a loon, but dammit I LOVE quirky!!!
I'm thankful for Richard Simmons too. Aside from all the reasons you listed, he sort of looks like my dad (who died 5 years ago), and so I get sort of weepy and nostalgic when I see him. Yes, I'm that big of a dork.
you are so funny:)
I totally remember Sweatin' to the Oldies with my mom too!
Today I'm thankful for all my bloggie friends who keep me laughing every day- that means you, girl!
Richard is my hero. I want to "bedazzle" all my workout clothes.
I am thankful for this post which makes me giggle. I am also thankful for my new stainless steal water bottle that doesn't dent no matter how many times I dropped it.
haha. my mom was more into calisthenics (if that's even how you spell it?) which is bringing back fashionable memories since you mentioned your mom's workouts.
HAHA! I'm thankful for your awesome sense of humor!
yes, it's friday, but i'm thankful that the thursday tornados kept everyone i know out of it's path! Wow, we don't get those here very often!
Had I known about the impending Richard Simmons thought during our 8×800's, I swear we would have REALLY kicked ass. Or reached really, really high during our recoveries!!!
Oh so true! Richard Simmons is legendary. But don't forget the importance of Jane Fonda in the cheezy leggings and leotards with belts kinda way. That's what my mom had around when I was a kid. Grapevines anyone? 🙂