Aaaah! I am little late here with this one. Wednesday just got away from me. So instead of an awesomely planned out Thankful Thursday you all get this sweet little list o’ mine. Enjoy and have a great day!

Today I am thankful for:

1. Music. It soothes the savage beast (and gets her booty shaking!)

2. Poster board and markers. They are magical objects when combined.

3. The gorgeous weather we’ve been having. Can you say amazing running weather? I knew that you could.

4. Seinfeld. It’s been coming up a lot in recent conversation and it’s just one of the greatest shows of all time. Without it we wouldn’t have: kavorka, “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”, Art Vandelay, Yadda yadda yadda, “These pretzels are making me thirsty!”, Soup Nazi, and the list goes on and on. Feel free to add yours in the comments.

5. Fall Races.

6. Ragnar Relay. All of the preparation is really getting me pumped up for this event. We have lost a member, but have gained a little runner who has the prettiest red hair….

7. Pumpkin carving! Baked Seeds! Jack-o-Lanterns!

8. Black toe nail polish. You can safely wear it now to cover your busted running toes AND since it’s closer to Halloween your grandma won’t look at you so funny like when you wear it in February.

9. Surprises. Love ’em.

10. Having made it to 100+ posts. Check back tomorrow for the special 100 things about me edition. You know you want to.

What are you thankful for today?