I’m extremely excited today because I have a HUGE reason to be thankful. I got a new job! Hooray! As much as I currently enjoy dealing with the craziness of academia, I’ve decided that my career goals and needs are not being filled in education. And also, I like the use of punctuation. And correctly spelled words. Heh.
I put in my two weeks notice yesterday. Yes, I gave two weeks because it’s the right thing to do and I am so grateful to have found a job (meaning the one I’m leaving) when the market was so terrible. I can honestly say that I never hated coming to work and that’s always good considering how much time we spend at our jobs. It’s also nice to know I’ll be missed and was told the door would be open if I ever need to return. I’m feeling the love up in herrrr.
If any of you are looking for work I highly recommend sending out emails to family and friends as well as using social media including LinkedIn. Every job I’ve ever landed has been through networking. I don’t think too highly of the job boards but I’m sure they’ve worked for others.
In case you are wondering I’ll be working in event coordinating/logistics for conferences and educational programs. Since I love love love coordinating (like my 5K) this is a role I’m very excited about. It’s also about ten minutes from my home which is going to save a ton on gas and tolls. Hooray!
Sorry for my departure from tri and running stuff today. I’ll have a race report for you all next week so that should make up for this non-work out post.
What are you thankful for today?
Congrats on the new job!!
I am thankful for friends like you who aren't afraid to grab the bull by the balls and chase your dreams down and beat them with a stick.
Nothing worked for me when I was jobless in 2011. I kept getting the "you're over qualified" line (i have two masters degrees). Ended up here making 40k less than I was, but I guess its better than nothing. Friends, family, linked in, Facebook, etc. didn't work at all.
But I'm not bitter. 🙂
Congrats and now you can ride Dolly to and from work since it is only about 10 minutes by car. Lots of saddle time and thus tremendous growth in bike fitness as well as saving money on gas…..perfect.
Congratulations on the job change. Sounds like you've found a perfect match based on your recent 5k experience. I made a major job change within the same company at the beginning of the year, and it was scary/exciting, but all good. In light of your post, I suppose I'm thankful for having a job. Have to be able to pay for all these running shoes.
Congratulations Beth! I think you will be great at event planning. I knew you would find something more suited to your strengths. Fantastic news. I'm thankful when good things happen to my friends.
I am so happy and thankful for you! This is definitely great news. 🙂
Hooray for the good news!!! I'm so excited for you Boo! (But like I said yesterday, I will miss the emails and names…) LOL!
Yay congrats!
Congrats to you! Very exciting and doing what you love is what life should be about.
Congrats!! You are so lucky to have found a job doing something you really enjoy!!
YAY! Congrats! And what a bonus being so close to home
Yay!!! Congrats on your new job!!!!
Wonderful news!!! Hollster
Congrats Beth! That is awesome news!
Today I am thankful for my health. I am thankful that my knee has fully healed, and though I'm not running very fast, I'm happy to be running. With my first tri coming up, it's difficult not to focus on my perceived "lack of training" due to my injury, but I need switch that around and be thankful that I can do this in the first place!
Congrats Beth! You will rock the new job no doubtedly!!!
I agree about networking. It can be a life changer(literally). Haha!
I have been exceptionally lucky that my 3 Fortune 500 jobs have been found through career boards like Career Builder or Monster! 😉
Yay for a new job!
You survied climbing the tallest mountain in the job you are leaving. Now it is time to coordinate new goals in your work and life and start a new chapter.
Congratulations and Good Luck!!!
Everyone else already said congrats so I'm going to say, nice ass.
I'm thankful for your new job, too! Wooooooooo hoooooooooooooo! I want details, soon! Yaaaaay! Congrats! Now we can go out soon for a belated-bday cocktail and a Congrats-on-your-new-job cocktail! Yaaaaaaay!
yay! go bOb
Wow, good luck on the next gig! I've found some good jobs on the job boards before, but I've also had good luck with recruiters too.
Exciting news!! Congrats on the new job and I'm glad the old one is treating you well on the way out.
Oooh congratulations, look forwards to the excitement.
Congrats on the new gig! So exciting!
Congrats on the new job. It may not be too long before I will be joining you in new job land(interviewing Monday).
Sounds like we have done a lot of similar things! Congrats on the new gig!