My good buddy Jess, a fellow BRA member and super quick runner, offered to help me think of some topics for this here little blog. She offered up the suggestion of discussing pre-race rituals and superstitions or lucky charms. No, not the cereal (delicious though it may be), but the question of running with a lucky charm or doing something superstitious before a race.
Thus far it looks like my pre-race ritual includes eating a South Beach High Protein Cereal Bar, taking an Imodium, and slathering on the sunscreen. Other than that I am not too exciting. The night before, I take a sleep aid and usually eat some pasta of some sort. Then I offer rum and cigars to Jobu. You know, just your run of the mill stuff.
Seriously though, I don’t have any running superstitions. I certainly wash my socks after every run and don’t really feel like the foot of a fluffy rodent will help me get a PR.
I know that a lot of pro athletes have odd little things they do before a big event (not that I am comparing myself to a pro mind you). For example Wade Boggs, MLB, was known as the “Chicken Man” because he would eat it before every game and he was obsessed with doing things at the same time every game day. Eh, that’s not too weird. But what about Moses Alou of the New York Mets’ superstition? It’s just gross. Get this, he pees on his hands through out the season. Apparently it has more to do with keeping his hands soft then with superstition but really, pee? On your own hands? Get some Jergens dude.
As it turns out there was quite a bit of research to be found on this subject. I couldn’t find anything on the elite runners and their superstitions though. So I guess I’ll just have to hear about you all. What you got weirdos?
And please don’t tell me you pee on your hands too.
I don't know if it's a superstition per say but I wear the exact same pair of underwear every single long run for whatever reason… Other than that, just the usual stuff… you know the drill. See you Saturday!!!! 🙂
you might have borrowed an idea, but you have a colorful style all your own and it makes any topic you pick fun to read. way to go, b.o.b.!
i do not have a lucky charm, but lately i am kinda lost without my watch. i forgot it at the track one day recently and seriously thought about skipping the workout, but caribbean steve showed up and loaned me his, and all was right with the world again.
thanks for another awesome post!
I listen to 3 specific songs in order. However, the situation has to be a non-Marathon race only – not a training run, not a Marathon.
The songs are…..
"Angry Again" by Megadeth
"Negasonic Teenage Warhead" by Monster Magnet
"The Game" by Motorhead
Just your normal everyday tunes.
For training runs – nothing out of the ordinary.
i don't have any exciting rituals–just getting up early enough to spend some quality time in the bathroom haha
I poop.
Hey I thought Morgan didn't wear underwear anymore? jk… I eat a handful of cashews, a table spoon of natural honey followed by a glass of REALLY cold water… then I make my dog give me five (no joke) and I'm out the door!
I shave my chest before EVERY race– I feel it make me more aerodynamic!
Me band-aids por los nips and I race in something new that I got at the expo. Then training in the next race with that piece of gear. A walking reminder. Oh and by the way…Jobu needs a refill.
I've worn the diamond earrings that my boyfriend got me for Christmas 2 years ago in every race I've ever ran.
That's pretty much my only "superstition", and if I forgot to wear them I don't think it would be the end of the world. The first two races it was actually an accident! Haha
That is gross. I only pee in toilets or British phone booths.
I don't have a "running superstition" but I do wear a favorite running shirt in case there are paparazzi at the finish line.
-C Smith
As for rituals before marathons or ultras, I eat some sort of good fish (salmon, sea bass). Then its the usual before the race … throw on the vasoline, bandaids and stow away the GUs. I leave the rest to the running Gods
Okay, the rum and cigars to Jobu cracked me slap up. bwahahahahahaha!
(Oh, and if I ever do run again…I'll be sure to report in with the ritual. I'm bound to have one…)
I had some Reese's ceral this morning. I really dont have anything to add to this blog.
I have a lucky pair of running earings that my hubby gave me for my 30th birthday. I wear them in all my races and my LONG runs..
I eat Lucky Charms. Really. But not because they're lucky, just because I like them.
I wear rings every day, and the two times that I have taken them off before runs (because I thought they might be heavy or annoying or whatever) have been DISASTERS. Like needing stitches and crutches disasters. So I keep the rings on no matter what now.
Love the Major League reference.
I have no pre-race rituals or superstitions, but I wish I had one. Maybe I should start a new one by pantsing whoever is next to me just before crossing the timing mat. I'll get a strong start while they chase me. I should get a few seconds head start while he/she stops to pull up their shorts. If they're faster, it'll be a learning experience for me. If I'm faster, I'll probably PR.
i don't have a superstition, but i must add that I agree that peeing on your hands is just GROSS!!
Definitely don't pee on my hands!
I don't really have any good luck charms or superstitions. I'm pretty boring, really.
Well, let's leave the urination for another post! LMAO
I don't have any rituals persey, other than I always put my left sock and shoe on first, does that count?
haha! I tend to wear the same thing for each race…but that may be more of a comfort thing? Who knows. After Annapolis, I'm back to avoiding solids race day morning hehe.
Wow. A runner and a baseball fan. How many got the Jobu reference? Cerrano – are you out there? Are you also a Devil Ray's fan? If so, I'm sorry! Just kidding – they've done well these past couple years. Once you guys got rid of Piniella. Notice how the Cubs are doing these days?
At least my pre-race superstition is more exciting than yours. I'm kind of like Homer Simpson. DONUTS! Hey nothing like a few hundred calories and a sugar rush to get me going!
Ala Tiger Woods, I don my red singlet for my races.
hmmm rituals… I haven't raced enough to have any rituals yet…. but I always stretch… but doesn't everybody…? haha. Um… pre-game dump? omg TMI!!!
I don't have any as I'm not an athlete, ah ha. But the hubs told me about some doozies that the guys used to do when he played pro ball. Ever heard of a slump buster. It's so offensive!
Geez, we are a boring group of runners! No special rituals for me… maybe I need to come up with one!
Hmm…nothing big here. I usually have a few sips of coffee and a handful of almonds and craisins after a run. But that's about it!
NOOOOO to peeing on the hands 🙂
I don't have any rituals.. but I do make sure to take 2 puffs off the ole inhaler!! LOL Plus, I've noticed that when I chew spearmint gum, I can breathe easier! No kidding. I think it must calm my throat muscles a little bit, plus it keeps my mouth from drying up. Crazy, I know. I can't believe I just shared that!