After looking for hard core B.o.B. to show up at the track I went home and peeled off my sweaty socks only to notice that toenail #2 was on it’s way out. It’s basically become a rite of passage amongst most of the runners I know. Now I am as vain as any other 20 something (ok fine, late 20 something) woman and I like to have purty tootsies. But alas, this is not to be the case. I guess I can settle for tight buns, sculpted calves, and thighs of steel. Sans toenails.
Shout out to Redhead Running who seems to be on the verge of losing her first. Aw. I am so proud.
That being said I did manage to get in six and a quarter miles today without feeling too guilty about it. My training plan had me at six at a nice, comfortable pace. I wanted to run more, until I got out there and was sweating like a hostage. When I got home, I told my roommate that I was lazy today. He laughed and said, “Yeah, getting up at 5:30 and running six miles sure does make me think lazy.” I guess it’s all relative.
Yeah I’m going to have to agree with the roomie… getting up and getting a run in automatically disqualifies you from being lazy. Also… we need to run early next weekend. Like maybe even at 6am cuz I was a hot mess after my run yesterday! Can’t wait to see you Tuesday AND this weekend! YAY!
…wait, you have no toenails!?