This little guy was just trying to get his tempo run in.
I mean sheesh, just cause we like to run doesn’t mean we should be ignored while trying to cross the dang road.
There’s an epidemic sweeping the runner nation. One of the most pleasant people I know has been affected. Our Hollster has fallen prey to it. So has our Navy Steve. And I must admit I have been known to give an overly sarcastic, “Gee freakin’ thank A-hole!” to a driver who doesn’t let me cross the road.
What is it? Well, it’s been given a name. Runner’s Rage.
Now most of the time, we runners are a relaxed lot. We are out there bustin’ our humps and getting some kick ass stress relief on, but don’t interrupt our run for your dumb right turn or you may get the finger. Or two fingers. Or in some cases, a palm to your bumper.
Drivers of the world take heed. There is one little lady out there who will give you a tongue lashing! And one fellow who may actually dent your car with his palm!
To you drivers I say, “Wh#$% tqeh#%$#! is @#%^@#% fp@$%^@^!!!!”
Ahhh. I feel better now.
Haha! I get pissed too when they won't move over! WTF? And why do they get so mad when they have to veer to the right a tad bit more for a few seconds of their life? I also get mad when people don't move over when I'm cycling, and the driver of the vehicle is upset. What do they freaking have to be upset about? I'm the one who almost got hit!!!!
You tell 'em like it is, B.O.B.! Totally love it! While you're at it, can you extend your love to the bikers who try to run me off the road yesterday, causing me to fall and scape up my knees? Yeah, thanks!
What did the five fingers say to the bumper? …. ***SLAP***
OMG–I have "the" runners rage (yes, appalachia, it's like having "the" sugar). I have to TRY not to blow up on runs. I have it bad. I drop the f bomb like its going out of style on my runs.
My last long run outside a couple weeks ago I decided I was going to be a nicer runner. I thanked everyone that let me go, then I stopped and let cars go (when I knew the bastards weren't going to stop for me!) and I mouthed sorry when I did this. I only told one guy to uses his freaking blinker! It was a good run.
Maybe they will make a support group–it will be like AA only we'll drink.
I have RR too and it is dangerous when you think about it. A 110 lbs gal such as myself, outfitted in tights and a fuel belt going up against a large SUV. It will make for a GREAT blog post one day.
We had an incident like that today at boot camp. A group of 3 of us was running and a car was coming out of a neighborhood. NOT ONLY did she not let the three of us pass, but she stopped short IN OUR PATH!! In addition to the palm-to-the-bumper, one of the guys threw the f-bomb at her. I joked that was not "Y appropriate" (often used as a joking chastise when we adults say R-rated things during class) – and I amended with: "But it WAS situation appropriate". Good grief – why be RUDE?? Didn't see us? OK. Didn't have time to wait? OK. But to stop short and cut us off??? NOT OK!!!
Hi. I'm Katie A. And I have Runners Rage.
Whew, I feel better I got that off my chest!
I am always amazed at the stupidity of drives when it comes to paying attention to their surroundings. I have no shame in yelling, bumper slapping or finger giving anymore. Ever since the fall when I had the one near miss and then the actual car hit me, I have no patience.
Ugh, pay attention people.
BTW, I LOVE that pic!
Happy Tuesday!
My friend was hit last year while running, and the person left the scene. He was found unconscious on the side of the road by a guy walking his dog. Luckily he was wearing his road id…but the point is, people really do not have respect in general for runners/bikers. And that sucks!
I think you have an inspired a post in me!
Too funny! Love the pic of the kid flippin the bird! 🙂 HAHAHA. I hear ya on the Runners Rage. A few weeks ago, I was almost hit by a stupid driver! I mean really?! Stupid f***in A*%*les
Too funny!!! If only blogs had beeps like the censor on TV.
Hahaha! And I thought running was supposed to relieve stress?!? So funny!
I have found that most drivers are very courteous and are totally willing to let me cross while they wait, but I have also found that I have to make eye contact with each and every driver at an intersection because you just never know. Be careful out there!
I have runners rage for sure – I've yelled out a few "Get the f*@% out of my ways" (of course, the drivers are usually yelling the same).
A true scary car story from me. I was on a long run in a neighborhood, very family setting, on a road with hedges on it. I am maybe 10 yards from crossing a side street. And VROOOM from out of the side street, across the busier road I was running on came this blue Mazda going about 40. Scared me to death. Went right through a stop sign. If I would have been ten feet further, it would have clipped me and going as fast as it was, it would have been a huge problem. I was stunned and then kind of scared. Simply no way to prevent that from happening — a car speeding through an intersection in a neighborhood and that ignored a stop sign.
I have had so many incidents! Why can't they love the runner?!?!
Oh my goodness I am totally right there with you!!! I mean it may look like fun when I go diving into a snow bank but I would like to assure drivers that it is a pain! Love the pic!!!
seriously. drivers suck. i am wayyy considerate to runners and bikers when i come upon them in my drivings. however it seems i have an x on my back or "honk at me" written on my face. ugh.
I love my little car-free trail … this one time, at band camp … I mean, this one time, I negotiated a freeway overpass and a freeway itself (don't ask, poor pre-run planning) all in one run and decided I was better off avoiding mountain lions on the trail.
I'm very lucky living in the land of the master planned community. 90% of my time is spent on separate bike/running path. My problem is with tbe cyclists and equestrians. Ooops! What the hell did I just step in?
I can't stop laughing at that picture and every time I see the Hollster I'm gonna to BUST OUT laughing.
I can totally picture her face lookin' like that kid's!!!!!