Truth: I am officially obsessed with training swimsuits from Dolfin Uglies. (I got that plaid one the model is wearing.)
Truth: I’ve been watching Ice Loves Coco and I can’t stop.
Truth: I kind of love swimming and spinning all week.
Truth: This video is so hilarious to me. Thanks Harold!
Truth: I had to use the bathroom THREE times on my way to the ride on Saturday. Stupid bicycling nerves.
Truth: I told my sister on Friday that her baby wanted a Kitkat so I ate one for him.
Truth: My S2S relay team is letting me cut one of my running legs. Now I’ll run three times instead of four.
Truth: I’m sucking hard core in my March Madness brackets. Boo.
Truth: I didn’t pick Missouri going to the Final Four so at least I’ve got that going for me.
Truth: I now wake up at least 15 minutes before my alarm goes off before a 5:30 AM workout. WTH?
Truth: I REALLY want a Coca-Cola. I’m not sure if I can make it to the April 14th triathlon.
Truth: I’m relieved to find out that Liam Hemsworth is 22. It makes me feel slightly less like a perv based on the crush I have on him.
Truth: The fact that I find anyone attractive who was born in 1990 makes me feel so old. And yes, a little pervy.
Truth: I’m way over do for new running shoes. I’m usually much better at keeping on top of getting new ones.
Truth: I could not be more excited about The Hunger Games movie on Friday. I’m even going to a fancy theater that serves food!
yep, you're a pedophile.
Love the truths! I take it you are going to Cinebistro to watch the movie?? Not sure which theater we will be going to…
Have a blast in the S2S relay….you are going with some uber cool peeps! Not that I'm biased or anything!
Yeah, I hear there are tones of pervs in Florida! Maybe that was Merv…………
Truth: my wife picked up the Hunger Games Sunday night. Read it non-stop. As of Tuesday 12 noon, she has read all three.
I love the kit-kat story! You're only human, right?
I intend to put the Hunger Games on my Kindle today and read all three before heading to the movie next week!
I totally do the toast with honey as dessert thing when I'm desperate because I try to avoid sweats in general but sometimes I can't resist 🙂
ha, I always IMDB people to make sure I'm only being a little creepy. 22 is TOTALLY above the creeper threshold.
The only thing creepy about Liam is that you have to fight Miley Cyrus for him…
I think everyone's bracket is messed up.
The real question is, how the hell did Ice T end up with Coco? I'm a player hater.
how come everyone comments on the non-running, cycling stuff! LOL
3X to go to the bathroom prior to cycling?! Come on! Well – at least the swim is prior in a tri – so you get to go then! Just hope I am in a wave AHEAD of you!
My final four is still intact – until at lesat tomorrow!
So what if you eat peanut butter off of the chest of a 22 y/o boy while wearing a Dolfin Ugly while trying to blame the entire thing on your awful bracket. Truth will out.