P-Funk and I wound up in our usual cadence in the back of the group and found ourselves oddly quiet. There was an occasional, “I’m dying” or a “Can we slow down a hair?” but other than that it was like a library. A library with sweating and panting. I’m pretty sure it was in the 90’s and even though we started our 10 miler at 6:30 AM, the humidity was brutal. I’d say that on a humidity scale of 1 to 10 it was a 32.
Oh how I’ve forgotten about marathon training in the summer. While I’m not in full marathon mode, I am getting close. I got my training plan from Coach EK and will go into more details as I get closer. Be on the look out for more posts with my whining about the heat. Sweaty shoes and socks here I come!
On the triathlon side of things I am making it a point to ride my bike at the very least, two times a week. I am having a difficult time getting in the pool, the bike, and the run. I think the pool is an issue because I have to pay every time I want to use the lap one. I could get a temporary membership somewhere but it’s so expensive for one person. Any suggestions?
Isn't Bobby Hicks free? I know it's in Tampa but it's olympic length.
Open water? Is your race open water? Did you announce a race? I must have missed that. Thanks for updating the tri sitch. Get some bike/run bricks in…you will crush it.
I joined a gym so I could have access to the pool, weights and elliptical. It is expensice, but I have been making sure I take full advantage of everything and really get my moneys worth.
I have no idea how you run in this heat!
Running in heat and humidity sucks! That's all I have to say! I don't even know how you ladies do it in Florida…no clue!
As I said in my goodbye post to Orlando, the humidity and hades like temps I won't miss at all! But I miss you!
I'm wicked busy, too! What is up with June!!!
And yes, the heat is back. Although your heat trumps my heat in that you have that crapy called humidity. You are a stronger woman than me!
Good luck on the bike, they are too scary for me!
I get crabby when it gets over 80 here in June. I wouldn't know what to do with myself in your shoes. :o)
I ran at 9 pm last night and it was still TOO hot, fridays 11pm run was better 🙂
seriously i'm glad that seattle is the end of this month, then I won't be running 20 milers in crazy florida humidity!
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