Yeah, we all know how that game went. Not. Happy.
Although, I did have a great time watching the game with friends and pretty much ate myself into a food coma. Prior to the game on Saturday I did a 4 mile tempo run and worked from 10AM to 2PM. Again, super busy weekend.
On Sunday, I woke up bright and early for the Brandon Half and 5K. It was a very fun event to be a part of, even if I didn’t get assigned to a water station. Could that have been due to my utter fail at the Shamrock 5K last year? Possible. (In case you don’t remember, no one wanted my water! Heh heh.)
I got a pleasant surprise from John Steelbuns who showed up with delish Starbucks coffee for me.
Here is a shot of a few of the BRA members post race. I’ll give you line up of the cast of characters I usually mention in this blog.

From the left: Me, John Steelbuns, Speedy Jess, The Original Scott R., P-Funk, and Mini-V.
After the race I did a little napping, a little Target shopping, and then I headed to the second job to work VIP for The Derek Trucks Band show. I’d like to make a special note on this to my male readers. If you go to a bar and the women who work there are nice to you, more than likely it’s because they are paid to do so. Seriously. It’s like hitting on a stripper. I don’t know what was going on at this show in particular but the guys were out of control. It was an older hippy-ish crowd so maybe they were just really feeling the love. That or I just looked super hot. LOL!
Have a great Monday all. I have big running goals to meet for the week as I increase my mileage and work on that elusive marathon of my dreams.
Sounds like a busy and FUN weekend!
Hitting on strippers – lol. I'm sure it made the evening fly by!
Hitting on strippers! ha! That's just hilarious!
LMAO about the hitting on strippers reference!!!
Yay for Marathon of your dreams! Only a few short months!!!
Oh come on… I know those strippers might be pretending to be nice to those *other* guys, but come on… with my killer charm and dashing good looks I'm obviously the one exception… (I mean seriously please don't shatter the illusion it's all I have) 🙂
Thanks for the tip. lol. Glad you had a great weekend. EZEthans illusion comment was very laughable. lol. Have a good one
Good luck, and as much as I like Tebow, Roll Tide!
You were one busy chic! And I would probably hit on you, too! LOL! Have a great week girly!
sounds like a great weekend 🙂 your marathon will be here before you know it!
Maybe you are, rather than look, super hot? I have the opposite problem with floozies constantly checking me out all the time. Part of the price of hotness, I guess. It is a burden but I've learned to live with it. 🙂
Busy, busy girl! 🙂 Now I have the song, "I'm in love with a stripper!"
Good luck with next week! You are a busy girl! And you guys are all wearing jackets! Must be cooling down a bit there! That marathon will be the best one yet!
fun weekend, minus the loss of course. hope you have shaken it off 🙂 (and don't hate me for rollin' with the tide…) i still love you! 🙂 🙂
man, delivered starbucks. will you ship your friend up here to me? i could use one of those…
So my long hair doesn't work on strippers….I could have used some water at about mile 1. Where were you.
So…….when are you going to post about poop? lol or am I missing it somewhere?
Wait, wait, wait. Strippers DON'T really think I'm super cute and funny?!? All this time I thought mid 40 and chubby was my "appeal". I'm officially devastated…..
I can not wait to read about your return to marathon domination 🙂
All the best,
Sounds like a good weekend! Good luck with your big running goals this week! I know you'll do great in the marathon because you're awesome!
Hey… you are Mini V remember.