I’ve been thinking a lot about MCM and what’s up next for me. Me, being me, I obviously am not done with the marathon. In fact, MCM helped me realize that even amidst the pain of those last 8 miles and the fact that this wasn’t a PR, I want more. I love the marathon. I can’t quite explain it, but I’m even more in love with running now than I was before. I’m a wee bit shocked myself because I thought if I were to have a less-than-stellar performance I’d be done with these crazy events. But lo and behold, I’m already signed up for marathon number 5.
I’m feeling pretty good right now and am running better than I ever have. I’m trying some new insoles to see if they help with Old Wonky. He actually hasn’t been back and I’d really like to try hills again to get stronger. I just need to figure out how to fix my stride without changing my biomechanics and hurting other things. I’ll be honest, I may try out some minimalist shoes at some point. Don’t knock it ’til you try it right? There’s a new blogger on the block who swears by them and I’ve seen her in action. Welcome to the blogosphere, Mama.

As for my next trick, after not falling in love with a hilly marathon course (shocker!) I decided to sign up for the Ft. Lauderdale marathon. It’s not too far to travel, it’s flat, it has pretty beach views, what more could I want? Oh wait, to add even more fun to this bag of awesome, Big Sis is going with me. She’s signed up for another half and I’m thinking somebody’s been bitten by the running bug. I’m delighted she’s going with me and if I can drag a few more friends along – even better!

But before I get ahead of myself here, my most favorite event thus far is right around the corner. Red and I are all set to run the Ragnar Relay again on November 19th. The crazy cast of characters from team Half Nuts is back and ready for action. I cannot wait to see Red and Spike (go ahead and be jealous, you know you want to). I also cannot wait for over 24 hours of running, not showering, sleeping outside, and laughing. A lot.