Hi bloggy friends! I’ve crawled my way out of slothful glutton week and have emerged fat and happy. I ate a ton of cupcakes. I watched tv on the couch after work while snuggling Lloyd. And I caught up on a lot of much missed family and friend time.
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My favorite Godson and nephew. |
After Augusta I got a lot of the standard, “What’s next?” and “When’s the full Iroman?” Hell, I asked myself after Augusta what I wanted to do next. I kept a lot of planning at bay so I could see how I felt afterward. For a hot second I thought about hanging up my tri gear and retiring. I could go out on a high note. Just like George Costanza.
Let’s not be silly though. I’m certainly not done with tri’s but I’m also not even close to being the athlete I’d need to be to do a full IM. I think it’s in the cards but not until I’m ready and I’m just really, really content right now. You could say I’m happier than Eddie Money running a travel agency.
I have been itching to do a marathon again but until I can get this IT band issue fully under control I don’t want to rush into another marathon and have a so-so race. My top priority at this time is focusing on being strong and healthy for Ragnar Keys in January. This gives me a lot of time to focus on strengthening and I plan to implement weights into my workout routine. Blech. I hate weight training, SEE: T-Rex Arms. However, I know it needs to be done.
Of course, I’m going to keep swimming, biking, and running. I’m just not sure how much of the three I’m going to do. I am really loving this new found free time. I want to go back to Crossboot. I’ve got my first Master’s swim meet this month. Holy crap, I forgot how to start off of diving blocks. I want to do more yoga. And I definitely think shiny new 5K and 10K PR’s are in need.
I plan on going back to track. I’ve missed speed work. I want to try some classes at the gym. The opportunities while not on a strict race training schedule are endless. I imagine at some point I’ll discover a full marathon I want to do or perhaps a half. But for the time being I’m just going to enjoy working out the way that I want to.
I’m currently more content than I’ve been in a while and I’m just basking in the post race after glow of awesome. I know, this is obnoxious, so don’t worry, your snarky B.o.B. will return in no time I’m sure.
But for now…
That’s right bitches. Rainbows and unicorns. Oh and Lisa Frank. Don’t act like you didn’t have Lisa Frank folders back in the day.
I think you have a great perspective on when you should move onwards to a full. I definitely rushed my way into it and while I definitely enjoy them, a part of me wonders if I would've been better served building speed and a strong base through halfs before moving up to the full. The Ironman will always be there, no rush. And, ummmmm, I am doing Ragnar Florida Keys too!!! I need to get my rear in gear for running!!!
You got yo drank and yo two step…yo drank and yo two step 😉 See you tomorrow?!
Oh Lisa Frank! That really brings me back.
We all have off days where we just feel lost and need to regroup. I have no doubt you will get back on track! Your plans make me realize I should really sign up for a race or something.
Stop delaying the inevitable and be prepared to register for IMFL 2013….I know a certain someone who is going to try to register for that race next month.
Fuck yeah Lisa Frank! 🙂
I love seeing you this happy, just saying.
Um, you may be tempting fate with a title of "What's next?" and a picture of you holding a baby. Just saying…
Yay rainbows and unicorns! Hey if you can do a half you can do a full. Start preparing mentally.
Aw man, I LOVED me some Lisa Frank!!! Love the goals. You are amazing!!
Girl, whatever you do, I know you're going to do it rock star style…and I will SEE YOU ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy your time! I know this injury has forced me to let running and tri take a backseat and I am totally enjoying trying new things. And, my kids like seeing me more, too!
Oooh, swim meet! Fun! Just tighten up your goggles and tuck your head and you'll be fine off the blocks. 🙂
Ha Ha!! So happy for you and your unicorns and rainbows! Enjoy it you will know what's next when the time is right! It took me 2 years after my 1st full IM to really decide what was next.
your contentment is well deserved.
enjoy it!
I abolutely had Lisa Frank. And I loved the ever living shit out of it. I'd carry that acid trippy panda bear trapper keeper until there was no more plastic on it and I'd used packing tape to hold it together until it fell into a billion pieces.
I hate weights too… Blagh. Must be done – I'm telling my self the same thang.
What a healthy way to be! It's good to be enjoy the moment and not rush guns blazing ohmygodwhatsnext into a big mistake. You deserve the contentment and free time of reveling in your accomplishments while deciding what's going to make you happy.
But how can you not love weight training?! It's such a rush to see those muscles shine through!
lisa frank! the best!!! and no one thought you were a lessy for having rainbow school supplies b/c they were all jealous.
glad you are enjoying your current state and being smart about where to go from here. hopefully the IT starts cooperating soon for both a new marathon PR and an IM 🙂