2023: A Look Back

2023: A Look Back

It’s almost the new year, and I keep hearing people say how the year flew by. Well friends, this year did not fly by for me. I think I would have preferred that. For me, it was a year of rebuilding my fitness. It was a year of new challenges and learning to work...

Thankful Thursday – The Marine Corps. Marathon Edition

Hello Blog-land. It’s Coach EK with a special Thankful Thursday edition of Discom-Bob-ulated Running. And why am I thankful? Because I was able to fly up to Washington D.C. and join the B.R.A. as they conquered the Marine Corps. Marathon. Here is my weekend recap...
An actual post about my running

An actual post about my running

I’ve got two weeks before the Halloween Half Marathon and I felt compelled to share with you all where my running stands today.I had been running a bit more since before I left for Chicago and am finally starting to get my confidence back.* While I did have the...

We’re In the Minutes

Hello Bloggy-land. This is Coach EK, once again filling in for our friend B.o.B. Word on the street is that she is up to her eyeballs in magic markers (for making motivational signs) and Chicago hot dogs (for consumption. Diagnosis – delicious!!). And since...