Last Week’s Workouts (8/15-8/21)

Last Week’s Workouts (8/15-8/21)

Here we go again with the last week’s workouts! I am definitely feeling the burn of triathlon training as I haven’t really buckled down to train for one in quite some time. I am enjoying it, so I may be eyeing some longer distance stuff again for the...

Last Week’s Workouts

As promised, I’m keeping you all abreast of my training for the Alabama Coastal Triathlon next month. Coach Mason and I have worked out a schedule to get my fitness up and add in those bike rides I sorely need. I do a Monday through Sunday week. (I know some of...

Tri-ing Again.

I’m back from my long weekend in St. Augustine and it. was. lovely. There was sightseeing and eating and a little running with the Ancient City Road Runners. I love finding a running group when travelling. Runners are so friendly and I had great company for a...

July Stats/Recap

I love when a month ends on a Sunday and a new month begins on a Monday. It’s the little things. I feel as though July flew by and in a good way. It was a good month but I have a lot coming up to look forward to. For July, I wanted to see how many hours of...

Ten Things I’m Loving Right Now

Man, oh man, I am having terrible writer’s block. Gone are the days when everything in running and triathlon were new. It was all shiny and exciting and I had a blog post idea with every step out the front door. Today, I ran about 6 miles and all I have to write...