by Beth Shaw | Aug 23, 2016 | d.r. blog
Here we go again with the last week’s workouts! I am definitely feeling the burn of triathlon training as I haven’t really buckled down to train for one in quite some time. I am enjoying it, so I may be eyeing some longer distance stuff again for the...
by Beth Shaw | Aug 16, 2016 | d.r. blog
As promised, I’m keeping you all abreast of my training for the Alabama Coastal Triathlon next month. Coach Mason and I have worked out a schedule to get my fitness up and add in those bike rides I sorely need. I do a Monday through Sunday week. (I know some of...
by Beth Shaw | Aug 8, 2016 | d.r. blog
I’m back from my long weekend in St. Augustine and it. was. lovely. There was sightseeing and eating and a little running with the Ancient City Road Runners. I love finding a running group when travelling. Runners are so friendly and I had great company for a...
by Beth Shaw | Aug 1, 2016 | d.r. blog
I love when a month ends on a Sunday and a new month begins on a Monday. It’s the little things. I feel as though July flew by and in a good way. It was a good month but I have a lot coming up to look forward to. For July, I wanted to see how many hours of...
by Beth Shaw | Jul 26, 2016 | d.r. blog
Man, oh man, I am having terrible writer’s block. Gone are the days when everything in running and triathlon were new. It was all shiny and exciting and I had a blog post idea with every step out the front door. Today, I ran about 6 miles and all I have to write...
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