Running For All Children 5K Quick Race Report

Running For All Children 5K Quick Race Report

A few years ago, the S.O. and I ran a new, small 5K in our hood and we both placed fairly high. In fact, I got third overall, even after stopping to chat with the S.O. for a bit. Clearly the race was VERY small. Fast forward a few years to a move in venue and lot more...
Xterra Claw 5 Mile Trail Race Report

Xterra Claw 5 Mile Trail Race Report

Sometimes you just need to run around in nature and get your shoe sucked off in the mud. At least that’s how I felt on Sunday during the Xterra Claw 5 Mile Trail race. Quick back story: As I had previously signed up for that upcoming night trail race, I figured...
April Stats/Recap

April Stats/Recap

Man, this year is flying by! It’s May and this means only TWO months until we are off to France for Le Tour. I. Cannot. Wait. But first, here’s how my April shaped up. Run 100 miles Bike 13 miles Swim 10 miles Strength & Conditioning 1...
St. Anthony’s Relay Race Report AKA Photo Dump

St. Anthony’s Relay Race Report AKA Photo Dump

Yesterday I competed in my fourth St. Anthony’s triathlon. I’ve raced this event in some capacity almost every year since I started triathlon-ing (that’s so a word). This year I hadn’t planned on racing until in a group chat my friend Megan...
Blue with Envy.

Blue with Envy.

*Warning: curse words ahead. If you are a runner and you didn’t know the Boston Marathon was on Monday, for shame! It’s the Ron Burgundy of running…it’s kind of a big deal. Not only is this historic event known for the spectators and the...