by Beth Shaw | Feb 1, 2016 | d.r. blog
Happy birth month to me! #BethMonth has arrived and I’m so stoked to toe the line for a marathon this month. Plus, I’ll get to see my nephews in Nola. I plan to run straight to the beignets. Run 148 miles. Holy big miles! My legs are a wee bit...
by Beth Shaw | Jan 29, 2016 | d.r. blog
Hi again! Blogging slacker here. I didn’t post this week as the J-O-B has been bananas again. I’m super glad it’s Friday. And since it’s Friday, I figured a little Friday Confessions post was in order. Here we go. 1. After my run this morning,...
by Beth Shaw | Jan 22, 2016 | d.r. blog
I always enjoy other people’s DITL posts so I felt like it was time again for me to do one. And yes of course I chose a day where I had a LOT to do. Otherwise it would be all, “Oh hey. Here I am sitting on my couch.” Ha! This is a pretty standard...
by Beth Shaw | Jan 20, 2016 | d.r. blog
I run almost exclusively in the morning. And I love it. I’m a morning person by nature so it doesn’t really seem all that weird to me to get up on a Tuesday at 4 AM to run 15 miles. However, I get some “How can you do that?” when I tell...
by Beth Shaw | Jan 18, 2016 | d.r. blog
Forgive me readers for I have sinned. It’s been over a week since my last post. Yowza. How did that happen? One word: life. Let’s do a little catch up, shall we? First things first, Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Such a great man who...
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